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Posted on Aug 28, 2005 in Front Page Features, Stuff We Like

Beltring War and Peace Show, 2005

Armchair General


This is by far the hardest part of my report – firstly how do I obtain pictures of the best of the 3,500 vehicles on display, and then how do I condense the pictures I took into a few key photos that will capture the essence of the show for anyone reading? This was, in a word, impossible. I can only suggest that if these pictures leave you begging for more, you follow the link to the ACG Image Gallery at the end of the article to see the full set of pictures I took. To start us off though, here’s a general view of one, just ONE of the three whole fields set aside for the vehicles. Incredible…

And to completely throw you all, lets start the pictures off with…a bicycle! Albeit a bicycle with a Panzerfaust attached to it.


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Tanks of all varieties were in attendance, and more Ferrets (British armoured cars) than I’ve ever seen before in one place.

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Here’s a nice Russian model next to something slightly smaller. I know which one I’d prefer to be in.

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Readers of my last show piece for ACG will recall that I am slightly bored with seeing so many Jeeps around – although I’ll admit that there are some impressive models around. The picture on the right is of a Cymbeline Weapon Locating Radar. I found a couple of these around.

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The vehicle on the right was for sale – as were a lot of vehicles at the show. I resisted the temptation to ask the price of any of them…

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[continued on next page]

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