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Posted on Mar 11, 2025 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

2 Games Which Make Me Feel Like a Kid at Christmas! Urban Battle and Urban Battle Junior – Board Game Preview

2 Games Which Make Me Feel Like a Kid at Christmas! Urban Battle and Urban Battle Junior – Board Game Preview

Urban Battle and Urban Battle Junior Urban Battle and Urban Battle Junior Publisher: Forsage Games Designer: Predrag Lazovic and Dragan Lazovic Price: unknown at this time Passed Inspection: Beautiful components, packed with tons of goodies, easy to learn and play, fun games, family friendly. Failed Basic: needs initiative rules, dice in Urban Battle Junior have a large blue number and a smaller red number which is not explained. Disclaimer: The reviewer, Rick Martin, worked with Forsage Games to design their solo combat and maneuver systems for both the Age of Dogfights games. Whenever I receive a game from Forsage Games I always feel like a child opening a Christmas gift. Their games, such as Age of Dogfights WW 1 and WW2, Naval Battles in the Archipelago and Tank Chess are filled with so much great miniature goodness that it makes my heart skip a beat. Let’s look at the components for each game: URBAN BATTLE JUNIOR COMPONENTS • 25” x 19” mounted map board• 50 plastic tanks and trucks•...

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Posted on Dec 1, 2024 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

A Small Ship in a Big War: Corvette Command Board Game Review

A Small Ship in a Big War: Corvette Command Board Game Review

Corvette Command. Publisher: War Diary Games. Designer: Alan Eagle. Price $ 40.00 Passed inspection: Solid solitaire game that puts you on the bridge of a corvette assigned to convoy duty. Easy to learn rules. The game has a strong theme that builds an engaging narrative for the player. Failed basic: A couple of unclear rules (which were promptly clarified when the questions were asked!) The monotony of the afternoon watch was shattered by a loud boom that carried across the ocean and reached the lookouts on HMCS Sudbury. The source of the sound was a massive explosion that had erupted from a freighter in the convoy. The freighter was rapidly settling deeper in the water. With luck the crew would get to the lifeboats and be picked up by the rescue ship.The lookout sang out, “Ahoy below! Periscope three points off the port bow! Range…three thousand yards!” The bridge watch trained their binoculars and there it was again – the periscope of a German U-boat! The orders came down...

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Posted on Jul 28, 2024 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

Aces High! Compass Games Brings Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines to the Table. Board Game Review

Aces High! Compass Games Brings Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines to the Table. Board Game Review

Western Front Ace: The Great War in the Air, 1916-1918. Publisher: Compass Games. Designer: Gregory M. Smith and Ian Cooper. Price $109.00 Passed inspection: A solid game that produces plausible encounters and engagements while conveying the experience of a Great War fighter pilot. Failed basic: Rules organization could be better. The ‘grind’ of running mission after mission starts to feel like a repetitious chore rather than a game to be enjoyed. From the logbook of Otto Hefty, – K.u.K. Luftfahrtruppen20 Sep 16 – Aircraft: Brandenburg D.1We’ve been tasked with a bomber escort mission. The outbound leg was an uneventful mission over the lines into Italian territiory. The bombers conducted their attack and turned for home.During the return flight, I encountered a SPAD VII over the front lines. We came at each other head to head. As we closed, our guns hammered away at each other. I could feel the stick shudder in my hands as my tail took some solid hits. But I was the better pilot as the...

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Posted on Aug 2, 2023 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

“The Concert of Europe in Discord” European Great Power’s seek global dominance as tensions build towards the Great War in “Sleepwalkers”. Board Game Review

“The Concert of Europe in Discord” European Great Power’s seek global dominance as tensions build towards the Great War in “Sleepwalkers”. Board Game Review

Sleepwalkers: Imperial Rivalries and the Great War. Publisher: Dr. Richter Konflictsimulationen. Designer: Dr. Benjamin Richter. Price: 14.95 Passed inspection: A compact, multiple player game that highlights European competition and diplomacy while still conveying the impact of conflict between great powers at the dawn of the 20th Century. Failed basic: Negotiations are central to the course of the game to the point that the experience can feel like ‘Diplomacy-lite’. If you are looking for a more structured game that does not rely on diplomatic negotiations, then Sleepwalkers may not be for you (but give it a chance!). The end of the 19th Century was a complex period for the major states of Europe. Much of the world was – or was in the process of becoming – enmeshed in various colonial empires, providing the raw materials for the imperial states. These colonies were areas of friction both internally for the occupied peoples and externally between the imperial powers. Aside from imperial ambitions, the world, but Europe in particular was experiencing...

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Posted on Apr 27, 2023 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

“By the end of the war, they remained the only force that did not submit to British dominance at sea.” British historian Peter Smith, Schnell Boats: Scourge of the English Channel – Board Game Review

“By the end of the war, they remained the only force that did not submit to British dominance at sea.” British historian Peter Smith, Schnell Boats: Scourge of the English Channel – Board Game Review

Schnell Boats: Scourge of the English Channel Publisher: Compass Games  Designer:  Joe Carter  Price $69.00   Passed Inspection:   Nice looking components,  game weaves a strong and immersive narrative, one mission can be played in 1 to 2 hours, tons of replayability, great value for the price, can be played solo or cooperatively, fun and realistic at the same time Failed Basic: needs some rules clarifications, Table Booklets need an index, one more editorial pass may have corrected some issues “As S-100 Swordfish and her two remaining S Boats advance towards the approach to the Isle of Wight, the sea state degenerates to level 5 waves. The Griffon flashes its deck lights to tell us that she lost her radio antenna to a huge wave. We flash back and order her to maintain her formation. I will remember to ask the supply officers to please stock up on these antennas. When we lost our antenna during the last mission, we had to wait for 18 days to get a replacement....

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Posted on Mar 14, 2023 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

On the Wings of Eagles – Legion Wargame’s “Aces of Valor” Brings You to the Skies of the Western Front. Board Game Review

On the Wings of Eagles – Legion Wargame’s “Aces of Valor” Brings You to the Skies of the Western Front. Board Game Review

By Ray Garbee Aces of Valor. Publisher: Legion Wargames. Designer: Eric Von Rossing. Don Hendon. Artist Mark Mahaffey.  Price $72.00 (current sale price $55.00) Passed inspection: Solid rules and quality components deliver what the box promises. Highly abstracted air combat model allows you to quickly spin through engagements over the course of a mission. Magneto switch, on! Clear! The ground crew heave the propellor around, and the engine catches and roars to life. You are about to lead your patrol of scout fighters into the air on a patrol over the trench lines of the Western Front in Aces of Valor. Games come and go in cycles. What’s hot and what’s not. In 2023 what’s hot seems to be the trend of solitaire games – continuing a trend that really took off during the pandemic – and air combat games. Now while games of aerial combat have been with us for a long time (Richtofen’s War, anyone?), the last few years have seen continued growth in games covering aerial...

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Posted on Mar 12, 2023 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

“In few military endeavors has so little been risked to achieve so much.” Vincent P. O’Hara and Enrico Cernuschi – Depths of Courage Attack on Alexandria Harbor Board Game Review

“In few military endeavors has so little been risked to achieve so much.” Vincent P. O’Hara and Enrico Cernuschi – Depths of Courage Attack on Alexandria Harbor Board Game Review

Depths of Courage Attack on Alexandria Harbor  Publisher: High Flying Dice Games  Designer:  Paul Rohrbaugh  Price $9.95 non mounted counters or $17.95 with mounted counters Passed Inspection:  Great looking game, tense game play, tons of replayability, small footprint, great value for the price, extremely challenging, solo game, can be played in less than 60 minutes, easy to learn Failed Basic: a few typos   “In March 1939 Italy’s Regia Marina established a specialized and secret naval warfare unit called Decima Flottiglia MAS (Motoscafo Anti Sommergibili), generally known as the 10th Light Flotilla or X MAS. This unit was innovative, in that it employed selected, highly trained personnel using special weapons and delivery systems to conduct sneak attacks. On the night of 18 December 1941, six members of this unit penetrated the main British naval base in the eastern Mediterranean at Alexandria, Egypt, and disabled the Mediterranean Fleet’s two battleships, a tanker, and a destroyer. In few military endeavors has so little been risked to achieve so much.” Vincent P....

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Posted on Feb 20, 2023 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

Squadron Scramble! “Skies Above Britain” Board Game Review

Squadron Scramble! “Skies Above Britain” Board Game Review

By Ray Garbee Skies Above Britain. Publisher: GMT Games. Designer: Jeremy White and Gina Willis. Price $99.00 Passed inspection: An immersive solitaire experience that captures the feel of the air war over Britain in 1940. The well-crafted rulebook and charts make finding rules references a snap. Failed basic: Not a failure, but it can be taxing to follow everything going on within a turn. However, Gina solved this with a downloadable deck of cards that walk you through the patrol cycle. A solitary British fighter executes a victory roll in the sky above an airfield in France in the opening scene of Guy Hamilton’s 1969 film “The Battle of Britain”. The film delivers on its title, packing the breadth of the three-month campaign into two hours and thirteen minutes.  As a child I was captivated by the depiction of the air battles and heroic characters. As an adult, I’ve come to appreciate the solid job the film does delivering so much of the experience of the campaign in a...

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Posted on Jan 30, 2023 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

Another Option for Online Tabletop Gaming with Rally The Troops!

Another Option for Online Tabletop Gaming with Rally The Troops!

Tor Andersson’s online gaming project continues to grow. The experience of playing tabletop board games has been primarily a physical, face to face experience. But in the 21st Century, board games began migrating into the digital space. Well known examples of this shift include the VASSAL engine, Steam and Tabletop Simulator. That shift really picked up speed in 2020 when the pandemic had many folks stuck at home with no face to face opponents. It was certainly what motivated me to dive into Vassal and start tabletop gaming online. Beyond the Vassal’s and the Tabletop Simulator type enfine, there’s another option out there – Rally the Troops! Rally the Troops! is a website created and maintained by Tor Andersson. It is a free software project. The site is free to play, requiring only a user profile. The game engine presents each game through a web-browser user experience. Unlike some of the other channels, Rally the Troops provides the complete game experience and includes game board, charts and the complete...

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Posted on Dec 27, 2022 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

“Had it not been for the magnificent material contributed by the Polish squadrons and their unsurpassed gallantry, I hesitate to say that the outcome of the Battle would have been the same.” Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding   303 Squadron Board Game Review

“Had it not been for the magnificent material contributed by the Polish squadrons and their unsurpassed gallantry, I hesitate to say that the outcome of the Battle would have been the same.” Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding   303 Squadron Board Game Review

303 Squadron.  Publisher:  Designer:  Michal Kohmann  Price $79.90 Passed Inspection:  Beautiful components, tense game play, solo or multiplayer, tons of scenarios, full campaign mode with legacy game aspects, tons of replayability   Failed Basic: some lack of clarity in the rules leading to having to re-read a section a few times, needs a player’s aid sheet             During the Battle of Britain, 8000 Polish pilots and ground crew fought with the RAF against the Luftwaffe providing much needed combat expertise against German pilots tested and trained in Spain, Poland and France. Polish combat pilots fought bravely against enemies from without and within from both the Luftwaffe and bigotry from some members of the RAF. In total, Polish combat pilots shot down 203 German aircraft for the loss of 29 Polish pilots.  The Polish 303 Squadron was the most successful RAF squadron in the Battle of Britain.  Polish pilots were known for attacking from close range.’s 303 Squadron is one of the most beautiful games that’s come across...

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Posted on Dec 10, 2022 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

“I came to Rome when it was a city of stone … and left it a city of marble.”Solitaire Caesar Board Game Review

“I came to Rome when it was a city of stone … and left it a city of marble.”Solitaire Caesar Board Game Review

Solitaire Caesar Board Game Review.  Publisher: White Dog Games  Designer:  David Kershaw  Price $48 boxed or Print and Play for $30 Passed Inspection:  Very tense game play; easy to learn; good AI; optional rules provide excellent replayability; nice components; good value for the price; small footprint makes it perfect to play while traveling Failed Basic: combat system may be counter-intuitive for experienced gamers; barbarian movement rules somewhat unclear “Solitaire Caesar” is subtitled “The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire 350 BC to 1453 AD” and if that subtitle seems overly ambitious for a game with only 7 pages of rules plus a page of Designer’s Notes, you are certainly right to think it but the game’s designer, David Kershaw, the designer of Barbarossa Solitaire, has pulled it off beautifully. The Roman Empire Solitaire Caesar simulates the expansion and contraction of the Roman Empire focusing mostly on strategic conquest.  Each turn is 100 years.  The map features a point to point movement system and includes many of the kingdoms...

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Posted on Nov 13, 2022 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

Will Tyranny Fall or Rise! King & Assassins Deluxe Edition Board Game Review

Will Tyranny Fall or Rise! King & Assassins Deluxe Edition Board Game Review

King & Assassins Deluxe Edition Board Game Review.  Publisher: Galakta  Designer:  Lukasz Wozniak  Price $30.00 Passed Inspection:  fast playing, easy to learn, good replay value, nice artwork, excellent family friendly board game “The king has finally descended among his people, safe behind a shield wall of his so called ‘knights’ and sure of his immense authority. Walking among the crowd, he pays no heed to the shouts of rising anger, blindly believing that his subjects are too scared to act against his rule. Yet, there are shadowy forces ready to topple the throne and secret agents hidden among the throng who are more than willing to strike at the most opportune moment. The fate of the kingdom is soon to be decided… “ Box Art Kings & Assassins Deluxe Edition is a redesign of a 2013 release.  This new edition streamlines the game, adds 23 beautiful miniatures and features a double sided map board of a medieval village.  The game comes in an attractive and very sturdy box.  It...

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Posted on Nov 6, 2022 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

Run to the Hills…or Stand on the Plains. “Plains Indian Wars” Board Game Review

Run to the Hills…or Stand on the Plains. “Plains Indian Wars” Board Game Review

Plains Indian Wars. Publisher: GMT Games. Designer: John Poniske. Price $65.00 Passed inspection: Quick playing game that provides an overview of the conflict between the indigenous peoples of the Great Plains and the United States of America.  Solid components with oversized cards that convey historical information regarding the period. Failed basic: Rules have a number of ambiguities that resulted in a number of clarifications. In conventional popular memory, the settlement of the American West was a story of European immigrants and Americans trekking into the empty spaces of North America. The Great Plains, mountains and the West Coast were the goals of hardy European’s enduring hardship and risk in a search was a better life. It was America’s ‘Manifest Destiny’ to expand westward, pushing civilization to the shores of the Pacific Ocean. The American concept of the ‘frontier’ served as a demarcation between lands subject to the laws and policies of the United States and a ‘wilderness’ waiting to be defined, formalized, settled and civilized. That this wilderness was...

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Posted on Nov 5, 2022 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

2021 Charles S. Roberts Awards Nominees are out – and it’s time to vote for the winners!

2021 Charles S. Roberts Awards Nominees are out – and it’s time to vote for the winners!

After some delays, the nominees for the 2021 Charles S. Roberts Awards for Excellence in Conflict Simulation Games have been published. You can see the list over on the CSR website. The awards are given in the following categories Best Ancients to Medieval Era Board WargameBest Early Gunpowder Board Wargame 1453-1793 ADBest Late Gunpowder to Pre-World War I Board Wargame, excluding American Civil War and Napoleonic TopicsBest Napoleonic Board WargameBest American Civil War Board WargameBest World War I Era Board WargameBest World War II Era Board WargameBest Modern Era Board WargameBest Science-Fiction or Fantasy Board WargameBest Solitaire or Cooperative Board WargameBest Magazine Board WargameBest Expansion or Supplement for an Existing Board WargameBest Board Wargame Playing ComponentsBest Board Wargame Map GraphicsBest Board Wargame RulesBest Computer WargameBest Cover Art In addition to the categories covering board games, there the media awards for Best wargame magazine and Best Game Review or Analysis Website, Webcast or Podcast.Best Individual Historical, Scenario Analysis, or Book Then there’s the individual awards Wargame of the YearJames F....

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Posted on Sep 22, 2022 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

An Ancient Cold War Goes Hot in Plague Island Games “Sparta!”

An Ancient Cold War Goes Hot in Plague Island Games “Sparta!”

Sparta! Publisher: Plague Island Games. Designer: Kris Van Beurden. Price $59.00 – 89.00 on kickstarter. This is Sparta! That classic line from Frank Miller’s 1998 graphic novels, still resonate. Sparta was a military superpower in its day, fielding a formidable army under capable leaders. But part of what fuels our continuing interest in Sparta were their opponents – Athens and Thebes. Plague Island Games is working to bring these conflicts to the table with Sparta! Designed by Kris Van Beurden and with development support by Stuart Tonge. Plague Island Games provided us with a demo/prototype copy of the game. While it’s not quite the finished production version, it’s really close to it. By way of comparison, Plague Island did the same thing with their first game 2 Minutes to Midnight, and the differences between that prototype and the final game were very minimal, so I expect the finished version of Sparta to be very similar to this prototype. The game board for Sparta! Sparta! Is a two-player game in...

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Posted on Aug 14, 2022 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

What Counterinsurgency Looks Like in the Field – “Zurmat” Board Game Review.

What Counterinsurgency Looks Like in the Field – “Zurmat” Board Game Review.

By Ray Garbee Zurmat. Publisher: Catastrophe Games. Designer: Tim Densham.  Price $ 70.00 At Origins in 2021, Catastrophe Games had a demo copy of an upcoming game Zurmat, which depicted counter insurgency (COIN) operations of the Afghan war. Fast forward a year (well, nine months) and I picked up a copy of the recently released game from their booth at Origins 2022. Zurmat looks at counter-insurgency from the perspective of a Coalition military officer assigned to a district in Afghanistan. You have orders to build a secure space within which the residents will support the government.  Of course, this being a two-player game, the Taliban insurgents will be acting to achieve the opposite result in which the populace supports their efforts to build an Islamic state standing in opposition to the government in Kabul. Cover of the box The game description on the Catastrophe Games website sums up the game nicely; Zurmat pits the Taliban versus the Coalition, as players secretly add influence or decoys each turn, then taking...

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Posted on Jun 12, 2022 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

From the Halls of Montezuma to “The Shores of Tripoli” Board Game Review

From the Halls of Montezuma to “The Shores of Tripoli” Board Game Review

The Shores of Tripoli Board Game Review.  Publisher: Fort Circle Games  Designer:  Kevin Bertram  Price $60.00 Passed Inspection:   tense game play; easy to learn; a lovely game; solo or two players; excellent replayability; great value for the price; historical supplement included; very educational Failed Basic: Absolutely nothing After the Revolutionary War, American merchant vessels sailed the 7 seas but those merchant ships no longer could rely on the protection of the British navy.  Starting in 1785, the Barbary States (Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli) captured over a dozen American merchant ships and took their crews hostage.  In the late 1790s, the Barbary States “offered” to “control” the pirates if America paid a monetary tribute to their governments.  The US government refused to pay the protection money and Tripoli declared war on the US.  In 1801, Thomas Jefferson ordered the US Navy to send armed frigates to blockade Tripoli.  The war against the Barbary Pirates had begun and would be  a trial by combat for the US Navy and the...

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Posted on Apr 16, 2022 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

Opening a New Front Against the Ottomans. “On to Baghdad: The Campaign in Mesopotamia & Persia, 1914-1918”. Board Game Review

Opening a New Front Against the Ottomans. “On to Baghdad: The Campaign in Mesopotamia & Persia, 1914-1918”. Board Game Review

On to Baghdad: The Campaign in Mesopotamia & Persia, 1914-1918. Publisher: Decision Games. Designer: Joseph Miranda. Price $49.99 Passed inspection: An engaging game of an obscure First World War campaign. Attractive hex map that showcases the theater while integrating most of the charts and tables around the perimeter. Large, legible counters. Failed basic: A handful of minor typos on counters and text, but the majority of these were caught and integrated into the text before the rules were printed.    Mention a conflict in Iraq and most folks will think of the recent 21st invasion and occupation by the United States and her allies to replace the Iraqi government and nominally secure the flow of oil. But a century earlier, another global power waged a multi-year war to take control of Iraq and Iran (Persia) in order to…secure the flow of oil. The more things change, the more they stay the same. It’s a campaign that first came to my attention via the book Wings Over Mesopotamia by Mark...

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Posted on Apr 10, 2022 in Boardgames, Front Page Features

A World War I Card Game with Incredible Art and Great Game Play!  MacGowan & Lombardy’s The Great War Card Game Review

A World War I Card Game with Incredible Art and Great Game Play! MacGowan & Lombardy’s The Great War Card Game Review

MacGowan & Lombardy’s The Great War Card Game Review.  Publisher: Lombardy Studios and RBM Studio  Designer:  Dana Lombardy  Art Director: Rodger B. MacGowan  Price $49.00 Passed Inspection:   solo or two player; great value for the money; beautiful artwork; easy to learn but challenging to master; includes a War of the Worlds expansion; includes a teaching aid to teach students about World War I Failed Basic:  I would have liked to see a little more clarity on what deck is where on the player’s mat, maybe some text to one side saying something like “Bonus Deck”. A Beautiful Box  MacGowan & Lombardy’s The Great War Card Game is a beautifully designed game with elegant game play created by the award winning game designer Dana Lombardy and featuring artwork by the legendary Rodger MacGowan.  It not only features new World War I themed art by MacGowan but also features reprints of much of his World War I game artwork for such publishing companies as GMT Games. So what’s in the box? ...

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Posted on Mar 11, 2022 in Boardgames

First Look: Salerno ’43 from GMT Games

First Look: Salerno ’43 from GMT Games

My P500 order of Salerno ’43 arrived in the post this week. Here’s a quick unboxing video and perusal of the contents of the box. I’m looking forward to this as it’s my first time playing a game in the series. We’ll get a more in depth look at the components up...

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