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Posted on Dec 15, 2005 in Front Page Features, Stuff We Like

Palmerston Forts – Part 4 – The Royal Armouries Museum

Armchair General

And here are some great panoramic shots of the vast number of exhibits found around the Parade Ground. And these are just the external exhibits.

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The crowd of people you see in these shots were watching the Archery display, but we’ll come to that later…

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A close-up of some of the cannon from through the ages, next to a slightly more modern anti-aircraft gun of the type that was based at Fort Nelson during World War II to defend from German air raids.


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The sheer variety of weapons on display has to be seen to be believed. There are static weapons, mobile weapons…

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…from all ages. There are bronze cannon, some of them captured during various campaigns from the age of sail or Imperial expansion.

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Here are some more Mortars, albeit somewhat smaller than the one found outside the main entrance.

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Two massive wheeled artillery pieces are lined up alongside one of the WWII ammunition sheds sat behind the Fort’s Redan and Barracks on the Parade Ground.

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And yes, I even found a wooden Catapult – although I must confess that I have no idea how old this might be, or even if it is an original exhibit or a replica. I suspect the latter. To the right, another very fine bronze cannon, check out the elaborate design in the casting.

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