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Posted on May 22, 2004 in War College

The End at Stalingrad: 20th January – 2nd February 1943

By Jonathan McNeice

Later that day a Luftwaffe reconnaissance plane flew over the city and radioed back the following message, "no more sign of fighting in Stalingrad."  The 6th army was no more. They had been surrounded since November and had fought on despite facing superior odds and watching as their strength and health frittered away. The promised relief never came, and of the 250,000 men encircled in November only about 6,000 ever returned home. It was a staggering defeat for the Whermacht and many historians argue that the battle was the decisive turning point in the East. A campaign that had started with a dashing drive across the steppes in the summer ended in the dark, damp, ruined basements of Stalingrad, and set the Third Reich on the road to ultimate defeat.


German army corps trapped and destroyed in the Stalingrad "pocket"


IV. Armee Korps

VIII. Armee Korps

XI. Armee Korps

XIV. Panzer Korps

LI. Armee Korps


 German divisions trapped and destroyed in the Stalingrad "pocket"

3. Infanterie Division (mot.)

9. Flak Division

14. Panzer Division

16. Panzer Division

24 Panzer Division

29. Infanterie Division (mot.)

44. Infanterie Division

60.Infanterie Division (mot.)

71. Infanterie Division

76. Infanterie Division

79. Infanterie Division

94. Infanterie Division

100. J䧥r Division

113. Infanterie Division

295. Infanterie Division

297. Infanterie Division

305. Infanterie Division

371. Infanterie Division

376. Infanterie Division

384. Infanterie Division

389. Infanterie Division


 Romanian divisions trapped and destroyed in the Stalingrad "pocket"

1. Romanian Kavallerie Division

20. Romanian Infanterie Division

 Destroyed units attached to the German 6th Army but not to divisions or army corps


Alarm-BtI.Nachsch. IV
H?rt.Kdr. 310
Art.Rgt. 46, II. Abt.
Art.Rgt. 53, II. Abt.
Art.Rgt. 50, Stabs-Bttr. u. II. Abt.
Art.Rgt. 72, II. Abt.
schw.Art.Abt. 430
schw.Art.Abt. 616
schw.Art.Abt. 631
schw.Art.Abt. 733
schw.Art.Abt. 800
le.Beob.Abt. 28
schw.Art.Abt. 849
schw.Art.Abt. 851
schw.Art.Abt. 855
B䣫er.Kp. 542
Fstgs.Bau-Btl. 16
Bau-Btl. 110
Bau-Btl. 540, l. Kp.
Gr.Heeres-Baudienstst. 92
le.Beob.(Lehr)Abt. 40
le.Beob.Abt. 43
Beob.Bttr.(Pz.) 16
Betriebsstoff-Verw.Kp. 571
Briicken-Bau-Btl. 255
Br?Bau-Btl. 522
Br?Bau-Btl. 655
Br?Kol.B 48
Br?Kol. 404
Br?Kol.B 657
Br?Kol. 952, Staffel u. Stab
Durchgangslager (Stammig.) 205
Feldpostamt 792
Feldzeug-Btl. 7
Fla.Btl. 602
Fla.Btl. 608
Fla.Btl. 614Fla.MG-Btl. (schw.) mot.Z 66
Kart. -u. Vermessungs.Abt. 617
Kart.Bttr. 650
Kesselwag.Kol.f.Betriebsst. 674

Feld-Kdtr. 249 V
Kfz.Ersatzteil-Staffel 104
Bewegl.Kfz.lnstands.Kp. 128
Bewegl.Kfz.lnstands.Kp. 175
gr.Kw.Kol.f.Wassertrsp. 643
kl.Kw.Kol. 795
kl.Kw.Kol. 829
Kw.Trsp.Abt. 612

2. u. 4.Kranken. Kraftw.Zug 542
l. Feld-Laz. 542

Armee-Nachr.Rgt. 549
15. Fernsprech-Bau-Kp. 643
Korps-Nachsch.Tr. 473, l. u. 2. kl.Kw.Kol.
Nachsch.Btl. 542
Nachsch.Abt. 543. Kol.
Fahrkol. 691

OT-Einsatz I/6 Einh. 43
OT-Einsatz l /6 Einh. 47
Pz.J䧮Abt. 521
Pz.J䧮Abt. 611
Pz.J䧮Abt. 670
Fstgs.Pi.Stab 16

Mortar regiments 51st and 53rd

Nebelwerfer regiments 2nd and 30th

Artillery regiments 4th, 46th, 64th and 70th

Artillery Battalions 54th, 616th, 627th and 849th

Heavy Artillery battalions 49th, 101st and 733rd

Pioneer battalions 6th and 41st

Pi.Rgt.Stab 604
Pi.Br?l. 21
Pi.Btl. 41

Pi.Btl. 45.3. Kp.
Pz.Pi.Btl. 50
Pz.Pi.Btl. 140
Pi.Btl. 60

Bau-Pi.Btl. 63,4. Kp.
Bau-Pi.Btl. 122, Br.Kol.B
Pi.Btl. 134, Kol. u. Br.Kol.B.
Pi.Btl. 635

Pi.Btl.754. Stab u. Kol.
Schl䣨ter.Kp. 573
le.Radf.Straߥnbau-Btl. 501
Straߥnbau-Btl. 521
Straߥnbau-Btl. 540
Sturmgesch.Abt. 245
Armee-Verpfleg.Amt 540 

schw.Werfer-Rgt. 2
Werfer-Rgt. 51
Werfer-Rgt. 53

Wehrwirtsch.Erfassungs-Kdo. 6
Flak-Rgt. 8
Flak-Rgt. 9, l. Abt.
Flak-Rgt. 12, Stab l. u. Kol. l.
Flak-Rgt. 49

Flak-Rgt. 241, 4., 5. Bttr.u. Kol. l
Flak-Abt. 91, 2. u. 3. Bttr.
le.Flak-Abt. 99
Lehr- u.Vers.Rgt.Flak-Art.
Seh. II

Nahaufkl.Gru. 7, Stabs-Kp. u. Ln.

Nahaufkl.Gru. 12, Stabs-Kp. u.

Nahaufkl.Gru. 16, Stabs-Kp.u.Ln.Betr.Kp.
Nahaufkl.Staffel l (H) 10
Nahaufkl.Staffel 2 (H) 41
Nahaufkl.Staffel 6 (H) 41
Kampfgru. 900. Stab
Lehrgeschw. 2.. 7. Nahaufkl.Staff.
Flg.Horst-Kdtr. (E) 18/IV
Lw.Bau-Btl. 6/111, l. Kp.
Lw.Bau-Btl. 19/111,2. Kp.
Lw.Bau-Btl, 24/XI. 2. Kp.
Lw.Schtz.Rgt.zbV., l. Btl.
Lw.Ldsch.Zug 13/VII
Lw.Ldsch.Zug 155/XIII
Luftgau-Nachr.Rgt.Rostow, Stab l
u. 23. Kp.

Lw.Nachsch.Abt. 1/111, Stab u. Kol.Lw.Nachsch.Kp. 17/111
Lw.Nachsch.Kp. 3/VIII kl.Flug-
betriebsstoff-Kol. 2/111
Lw.Trsp.Kol. 64/IV
Lw.Trsp.Kol. 12/VII
Lw.Feldwerft-Verb. 40, V.Abt.



Beevor Anthony (1998), Stalingrad, Penguin Press

Clark Alan (1965), Barabrossa: The Russian-German Conflict 1941-1945, Cassell

Edwards Roger (1989), Panzer: A Revolution in Warfare 1939-1945, Brockhampton Press

Gerlach Heinrich (1957), The Forsaken Army, Cassell

The Cassel Atlas of the Second World War (1973), Cassell

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