Rifle and Motorised Divisions


UpdatedOctober 28, 2003

27('41)- 27th Rifle Division, Formation - 1941

29 - Motorised unit NOTE: Home Guard (Rifle) Division = Peoples Militia Division

1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125

# Rifle Regiments Artillery FEB RcC* Other Comments
76MRD 93,137,207,216 Mnt.Rfl.Reg. 80 - 560 100 - - 95 - 36 Cav.Sq. Dec 09'41 was reorganised into Rfl. Div..,
76 93,207,216 80*1,817*2 - 560*3 100 404 - 95 36 528MBn*4 Nov. 23'42 was reorganized into 51st Gds,Rfl.Div.
76('43) 93,207,216 80 - - 100 - - 95 36 - Apr, 20'43 was formed using troops of the 87th Rfl.Brigade.
77MRD 11,105,276,324 Mnt.Rfl.Reg. 239 - - 197 502 - 41 - 3 Cav.Sq. May 11'42 was reorganized into Rfl.Div.
77 105,276,324 239*5,796*6 - - 197 502 - 41 458 351MBn Oct, 29'42 disbanded
77('42) 105,276,324 239 - - 197 - - 41 3 - -
78 40,131,258 - 159 210 139 435 - 89 60* - Nov 26'42 was reorganized into 9th Gds.Rfl.Div.
78 453,458,464 1030 - - 407 - - 173 184 - Mar 07'42 was renamed from 403rd Rfl.Div
79 157,165,179 284 - 487 163 251 - 43 9* 644 DABr,360 STB, 788MBn Based on Sakhalin isl.
80 77,153,218 88 - 144 140 141 - 86 100 - Sep 19'41 disbanded
80('41) 77,153,218 88 - - - - - 86 100 384 MBn*7 Sep 23'41 was renamed from the 1st Leningrad Home Guard Rfl.Div.
81Mot 202,323 125 - - 84 79 - 66 58* 53 TR July 29'41 was reorganized into Rfl.Div.
81 53,202,323 667(125) - - 84 79 - 66 58 - Sep 27'41 disbanded
81('42) 410,467,519 346 - - 240 - - 196 154 - Oct 13'42 was formed using troops of the 135th Rfl.Brig.
82Mot 210,250,601 82 - - 146 196 - 123 94* 84 MBn Mar 19'42 was reorganized into 3rd Gds.Mot. Rfl.Div.
82 ('42) 210,250,601 795 - - 146 - - 123 94 - June 17'42 was formed using the troops of the 64th Marine Rfl. Brig.
83MRD 45,100*8,150,230*9,428 67 - - 86 - - 139 - 42 Cav.Sq. Oct. 09'43 was reorganized into 128th Gds.Rfl.Div
83('44) 11,26,46 588 - - 19 - - 6 52 - Feb,20'44 formed using the troops of the 61,81 Marine Rfl.Brigades
84Mot 41,201 74 - - 122 349 - 122 116* 46 TR July 16'41 was reorganized into Rfl.Div
84 41,201,382(46) 74 - 429*10 122 - - 122 490(116*) 461MBn*11 May-Aug.'45 disbanded
85 59,103,141 - 167 223 137 346 - 130 78* - Sep 19'41 disbanded
85('41) 59,103,141 167 - - 137 - - 130 78 385MBn*12 Sep 23'41 was renamed from the 2ndLeningrad Home guard Rfl. Div.
86 169,284,330 248 - 383 128 342 - 120 109* - Sep 19'41 disbanded
86('41) 169,284*13,330 248 - - 128 - - 120 109 386MBn*14 Sep 24'41 was renamed from 4th Leningrad Home Guard Rfl,Div
87*15 16,96,283 197 - 212 85 14 - 11 43* - Sep. 19'41 disbanded
87('41) 16,96,283 197 - - 85 14 - 11 43* - Nov. 06'41 was formed using the troops of the 3rd Airborne Corps. Jan. 19'42 reorganized into 13rd Gds.Rfl.Div.
87('42) 1378,1379,1382 1058 - - 448 - - 357 226 - Mar. 08 was formed in DVF
88 426,611,758 401 - - 269 ? - 222 147* 368*16 Mar 17'42 was reorganized into 23rd Gds. Rfl.Div.
88('42) 426,611,758 401 - - 269 - - 222 147 88 Training Btln. Apr. 29'42 was formed using the troops of the 39th Rfl.Brigade
89 390,400,526 531 - 578 154 456 - 280 219 - Dec. 27'41 disbanded
89('41) 390,400,526 531 - - 154 - - 280 219 167MBn*17 Dec. 26'41was renamed from 474 Rfl.Div.
90 19,173,286 96 - 149*18 - - - 17 44 54STB*19,387(90) MBn *20 -
91 503,561,613 321 - 740 172 169 - 160 124* - Dec. 27'41 disbanded
91('41) 503,561,613 321 - - 172 - - 160 124 168MBn*21 Jan. 27'42 was renamed from 464th Rfl.Div.
92 22,203,317 60 - 70*22 77 163/15 - 96 50* 409MBn July 30'42 disbanded
92('42) 203(8),22(314),317(456) 60 - - 77 - - 96 50 - Aug 16'42 was formed using the troops of the 20th NKVD Rfl. Div.
93 51,129,266 100 - 128*23 144 272/105 - 107 55* - Apr. 20'42 was reorganized into 26 Gds. Rfl.Div.
93('42) 51,129,266 100 - - 144 - - 107 55 - June 28'42 was formed
94 9,64,152 97 - - 158 491 - 124 83* - Zabaykalsky Military District. Didn't took part I War.
95 90,161,241 57 - 134*24 - 194/175 - 48 13* - July 30'42 disbanded
95('42) 90,161,241 57 - - 97 - - 48 13 - Aug. 26'42 was formed using the troops of the 13th NKVD Mot. Rfl. Div. Mar. 01'43 reorganized into 75th Gds. Rfl. Div.
95('43) 90,161,241 57 - - 97*25 (97)*25 48 13 - Apr. 15'43 was formed using the troops of the 121st Rfl. Brigade
96MRD 43,155,209,651 Mnt.Rfl.Reg. - 146 593 63 258 - 87 - 33MBn, 256 Cav.Sq. Sep. 09'41 reorganized into Rfl.Div
96 43,209,651 - - 593 63 258 - 87 - 155 Sep.Rfl.Btln., 256 Cav.Sq. Jan 24'42 reorganized into 14th Gds. Rfl.Div.
96('41) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
96('42) 1381,1384,1389 1059 - - 449 503/? - 358 228 - Feb. 06'43 reorganized into 68th Gds. Rfl.Div.
96('43) 331,338,350 1059 - - 449 - - 358 228 - Apr. 23'43 was formed using the troops of the 117,160 Rfl. Brigades
97 69,136,233 41 - 98 87 104 - 32 66* - Dec. 27'41 disbanded
97('41) 69,136,233 41 - - 87 119/? - 32 66 139MBn*26 Feb., 28'42 was renamed from 456th Rdl. Div. Apr. 10'43 was reorganized into 83rd Gds. Rfl. Div.
97('43) 69,136,233 41 - - 87 - - 32 66 - May 01'43 was formed based on the troops of the 108,110 Rfl.Brigades
98 4,166,308 153 - 155 157 285 - 84 76* - Sep 26'41 disbanded
98('41) 4,166,308 153 - - 157 214/? - 80*27 76 263MGB*28 Was formed Nov 04'41. Apr 16'43 was reorganized into 86th Gds. Rfl. Div.
98('43) 4,166,308 153 - - 157 - - 84 76 - Apr. 28'43 was formed using the troops of the 162,250 Rfl. Brigades
99 1,197,206 (473)*29 22*29 71 112 429/113,180*30 - 186(20) 46*(144) 230 SAB, 554MBn*31 Apr 18'43 reorganized into 88th Gds. Rfl. Div.
99('43) 1,197,206 473 - - 112*32 - (112)*32 20 46 - May 21'43 was formed using the troops of the 99th Rfl. Brigade
100 85,331,355 34 - 46 81 183 - 90 69* 397MBn Sep 18'41 was reorganized into the 1st Gds. Rfl. Div.
100('42) 454,460,472 1031 - - 408 - 326 189 - Mar 18'42 was formed

1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125

*- Recon Battalion are marked (*). Not marked unit numbers means Companies. 14/3* means 14th Recon Company of the 3rd Recon Battalion.

** - Decimals (XXX/YYY) means that it included only XXX Battery of YYY SAAB, e.g. 236/324 means 236th Anti-Aircraft battery of 324th SAAB. 220/? means 220th AA Battery of unknown SAAB (maybe separate battery)

*1. Till July 26'42

*2. Since July 28'42

*3. Till Apr. 30'42

*4. Apr. 12'42 - Oct. 29'42

*5. Till Sep. 20'42

*6. Since Sep. 20'42

*7. Oct. 15'41 - Oct 18'42

*8. Since Aug. 22'41

*9. Till Aug. 22'41

*10. Till Dec. 17'42

*11. Oct 26'41 - Nov 10'42

*12. Dec. 31'41 - Oct. 16'42

*13. Sep. 24'41 - Nov. 9'41 and since Jan. 17'42

*14. Oct. 17'41 - Aug. 12'42

*15. On June 23'41 two tank battalions/41st Tank Division were subordinated to the Divisional Commander.

*16. Since Oct. 16'41

*17. Till Oct 25'42

*18. Till Aug. 15'41

*19. Till June'41

*20. Aug. 06'41 - Oct. 19'42

*21. Till Oct. 17'42

*22. Till Jan. 7'42

*23. Till Apr. 1'42

*24. Till Aug. 10'41

*25. 97th SATB (97th SSPGB)

*26. Till Oct. 22'42

*27. ? Not sure

*28. Since Feb. 05'43

*29. 22 LAR (473 AR)

*30. 429th AA Battery (113rd and 180th SAAB)

*31. Nov 01'42 - June 6'42

*32. 112 SSPGB (112 SATB)


AA - Anti-Aircraft

AR- Artillery Regiment

Art.- Artillery

DABr - Divisional Artillery Brigade

DVF-Dalnevostochnij Front (Far East Front)

FEB- Field Engineering Battalion

Gds. - Guards

HAR - Howitzer Artillery Regiment

LAR-Light Artillery Regiment

LEB - Light Engineering Battalion

MBn - Mortar Battalion

MG - Machine-Gun

MGB- Machine-Gun Battalion

Mnt. - Mountain

Mot. - Motorised (mechanised)

Rc - Recon

RcB- Recon Battalion

RcC - Recon Company

Reg.- Regiment

SAAB- Separate Anti-Aircraft Battalion

SAB - Separate Artillery Battalion

SATB-Separate Anti-Tank Battalion

SkiB-Ski Battalion

SMGB - Separade Machine-Gun Battalion

SSPGB - Separate Self-Propelled Guns Battalion

STB- Separate Tank Battalion

TD- Tank Division

TR-Tank Regiment
