Rifle and Motorised Divisions


UpdatedOctober 27, 2003

27('41) - 27th Rifle Division, Formation - 1941

29 - Motorised formations NOTE: Home Guard (Rifle) Division = Peoples Militia Division

1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125

# Rifle Regiments Artillery FEB RcC* Other Comments
51 23,287,348,263*1 218*2,300*3 - 225*4 277 231/165 - 44 30* 774 MBn Was disbanded Nov 28'42
51('43) 23,287,348 300 - - 91 - - 44 30 - Formed based on the troops of 15th Rifle Brigade
52 58,112,205 158 - 208 54 314 - 29 62* - Dec 26'41 reorganised into 10th Gds. Rfl. Div.
52('42) 429,431,439 1028 - - 405 - - 164 127 - Formed based on the troops of the 5th Field Eng. Brigade
53 12,223,110*5,475*6 36 - 64*7 116 - - 103 27 46 MBn*8 -
54 81,118,337*9 86 - 491*10 58*11 388/148*12 - 16 34 366 MBn*13, 142, 200 SkiB*14 -
55 107,111,228 84 - 141 129 250 - 46 79* - Dec 27'41 disbanded
55('41) 107,111,228 84 - 129 - - - 46 543 35 MBn*15 Formed Dec 12'41. Oct 10'44 reorganised into the 1st Marine Division
56 37,184,213 113 - 247 59 277 - 79 38* - Sep 19'41 disbanded
56('41) 37,184,213 113 - - 59*16 - - 79 38 381 MBn*17 Sep 26'41 renamed from 7th Leningrad Home Guard Rifle Division
57Mot. 80,127,293 105 - - 180 542 486 24 15* - Zabaykalsky Military District
58MRD 170,279,335,368 Mnt. Rfl. Reg. 244 - 258 138 125 - 126 - 81 Cav.Sq. Sep 19'41 disbanded
58 ('41) 170,279,335 244 - - 138 - - 126(81) 544 126MBn*18 Dec 25'41 renamed from the 431st Rfl. Div.
59 5,99,124 37 - 45*19 - - 456 35 45 - DVF
60MRD 194,224,350,358 Mnt. Rfl. Reg. 54 - 83 275 84 - 76 - 52 Cav.Sq. Sep 19'41 disbanded
60('41) 1281,1283,1285 969 - 71 - - - 696(84) 468 - Sep 26'41 renamed from the 1st Moscow Home Guard Rfl. Div.
61 66,221,307 55 - 66 131 237 - 112 99* - Sep 19'41 disbanded
61('41) 66,221,307 55 - - 237*20, 131*21 172/?*22 - 112 99 467MBn*23 Was formed Oct 18'41
62 104,123,306 89 - 150 126 392 - 108 95* - Sep 19'41 disbanded
62('41) 104,123,306 89 - - 126 401/392 - 108 95 527MBn*24, 6 SMGB Formed Nov 25'41. Disbanded Nov 02'42
62('43) 104,123,306 89 - - 126 - - 108 95 - Formed using troops of the 44th Rifle Brigade
63MRD 63,251,291,346 Mnt.Rfl.Reg. 26 - - 76 273/347 - 170 - 53Cav.Sq. June 14'42 disbanded
63('42) 226,291,346 26*25 - 10*25 273 109/347 - 170 53 175MBn*26 June 25'42 Renamed from the 8th NKVD Mot.Rfl. Div. Nov 27'42 reorganised into 52nd Gds.Rfl.Div
63('43) 226,291,346 26 - - 273 - - 170 53 - Apr. 18'43 formed using troops of the 45th and 86th Rfl. Brigades
64*27 30,159,288 163 - 219 170 318 - 106 73* - Sep. 26'41 reorganised into 7th Gds. Rfl. Div.
64('42) 433,440,451 1029 - - 406 - - 167 180 9 Training Company Formed using troops of the 7th Field Eng. Brigade
65 38,60,311 127*28 - 172*29 167 367/350 - 74 23 Separate SkiB*30 Dec 29'44 reorganised into 102 Gds. Rfl. div.
66 33,108,341 161 - 263*31 118 - 473 91 39 - DVF
67 56,114,281 94 - 242 99 389 - 83 11* - Sep 19'41 disbanded
67('41) 9*32,56*33,452,719 3 - - 99 - - 83 11 759 MBn*34 Sep 24'41 renamed from Olonets Rfl. Div (former 3rd Leningrad Home Guard Rfl. Div.)
68MRD 72,182,230,430 Mnt. Rfl. Reg. - 139 556 110 - - - - 19 AAMG Company,57Cav.Sq. 98 Sep. Rfl. Btl Since Aug 25'41 arranged in Iran
69Mot. 120,237 Mot. Rfl. Reg, 118 - - 109 61 - 99 LEB 20* 143 Tank Reg- DVF, July 17'41 reorganised into 107th Tank Div.
69('41) 120,237,303 118 - 109 - - - 99 20 161MBn*36 Feb.14'42 renamed from 461st Rfl.Div.
70 68,252,329 221*37 - 227*38 94 340/198 - 64 65* - Oct 16'42 reorganised into 45th Gds.Rfl.Div
70('43) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Apr 14'43 formed using troops of 47th and 146th Rfl. Brigades
71 52*39,126,367,131*40,20*41 - 230*42 237*43 133 271 - 128 74 367MBn*44 -
72 MnRD 14,133,187,309 Mnt.Rfl.Reg 9 - 33 119 309 - 3 40* - Sep 19'41 disbanded
72 ('41) 14,133,187 9 - - 119(72) - - 3 40 383 MBn*45 Dec. 15'41 formed using troops of the 7th Marine Rfl. Brigade
73 392,413,471 11 - - 148 469 - 25 51* - Dec 27'41 disbanded
73('41) 392,413,471 11 - - 148 74/? - 25 51 165MBn Jan 03'42 renamed from 470th Rfl. Div. Oct 03'42 disbanded
73('42) 392,413,471 11 - - 148 - - 25(196) 51(154) - Oct. 15'42 formed using troops 122nd Rfl. Brigade
74 78,109,360 6*46 - 81*47 142 274 - 110 111* - Sep 27'42 disbanded
74('42) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Oct 14'42 formed using troops of the 134th Cadet Rfl. Brigade
75 28,34,115 68 - 235 82 282 - 97 54 - Dec 27'41 disbanded
75('41) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Jan 08'42 renamed from 473rd Rfl Div. In 1942-46 was deployed in Iran

1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125

*- Recon Battalion are marked (*). Not marked unit numbers means Companies. 14/3* means 14th Recon Company of the 3rd Recon Battalion.

** - Decimals (XXX/YYY) means that it included only XXX Battery of YYY SAAB, e.g. 236/324 means 236th Anti-Aircraft battery of 324th SAAB. 220/? means 220th AA Battery of unknown SAAB (maybe separate battery)

*1. Received from the 25th Rifle Division at July 12, 1941

*2. Till Jan 25'42

*3. Since Jan 25'42

*4. Till Nov'41

*5. Till July'41

*6. Since July'41

*7. Till Aug. 05'42

*8. Nov 24'41 - Oct. 24'42

*9. Till July 28'41 and since Sep 19'41

*10. Till Oct 05'41

*11. Till Oct 09'41 and since Jan 12'42

*12. Till May 25'43

*13. Oct 22'41 - Oct 10'42

*14. Jan 16'42 - May 1'42

*15. Till Oct 09'42

*16. Since June 10'43

*17. Till Oct 15'43

*18. Till Nov 11'42

*19. Till Jan'42

*20. Till July 15'43

*21. Since July 15'43

*22. Till May 31'43

*23. Till Aug'42

*24. Since Nov 18'41

*25. 26AR(10 HAR) in cited document from www.rkka.ru

*26. Till Oct.18'42

*27. Equipment: 76mm AT guns - 12, 76mm Field guns -27, regimental guns - 9, Battalion guns - 18. 122mm howitzers - 18, 152mm howitzers-9, AA guns-9, mortars (without 50mm) - 90. 73rd RcB was equipped with 5 tankettes and 3 armored cars.

*28. Since Mar'42 - 6th Gds. AR

*29. Till Jan 28'42

*30. Oct 13'42 - Apr 10'43

*31. Till Jan'42

*32. Till Dec 19'43

*33. Since Dec 20'43

*34. Feb 01'42 - Nov 8'42


*36. Till Oct 18'42

*37. Till Dec. 20'41

*38. Later reorganised into AR

*39. Till Sep. 27'41

*40. Since July 27'41

*41 Jan 03'42-Mar 01'42

*42. Till Oct'41

*43. AR since Dec. '41

*44. Nov 29'41 - Oct. 19'42

*45. Jan 17'42 - Oct. 15'42

*46. Till Aug 14'42

*47. Till Nov 15'41


AA - Anti-Aircraft

AR - Artillery Regiment

Art.- Artillery

DVF-Dalnevostochnij Front (Far Eastern Front)

FEB - Field Engineering Battalion

Gds. - Guards

HAR - Howitzer Artillery Regiment

LAR-Light Artillery Regiment

LEB - Light Engineering Battalion

MBn - Mortar Battalion

MG - Machine-Gun

Mnt. - Mountain

Mot. - Motorised (mechanised)

MnRD - Mountain Rifle Division

Rc - Recon

RcB - Recon Battalion

RcC - Recon Company

Reg.- Regiment

SAAB - Separate Anti-Aircraft Battalion

SATB - Separate Anti-Tank Battalion

SkiB-Ski Battalion

SMGB - Separade Machine-Gun Battalion

SSPGB - Separate Self-Propelled Guns Battalion

STB - Separate Tank Battalion

TD - Tank Division

TR - Tank Regiment
