Posted on Nov 7, 2011 in Armchair Reading
January 2012 – Black Cross vs. Red Star
By Armchair General
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Each issue contains
Military History
Insight into Current Events
Interactive Challenges
Game Reviews
And More!
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- Cover Feature:Black Cross vs. Red Star: Germany and the Soviet Union on WWII’s brutal Eastern Front
- Special Feature: American Tragedy: 106th Division’s Battle of the Blulge.
- Feature: Churchill’s Great Misstep: The Dardanelles and Gallipoli Campaign, 1915. By Carlo D’Este.
- 10 Questions: Gary Sinise, the award-winning actor who gives back to those who sacrifice so much.
- Great Warriors – Frontier Army Soldiers
- Crisis Watch by Ralph Peters – Planning for the Dark Ages
- Dispatches – real heroes, destinations, special events and more
PLUS! {default}
- Must-Read/Must-See Books and DVDs
- Game Reviews
- Mailbag
- Test your decision-making skills by choosing the best course of action for Roman Legionnaires at Teutoburg Forest, 9 A.D.; Japanese Defense of Saipan, 1944; Washington Strikes Back, 1777.
- Play It! Play the history you read; ACG‘s list of recommended wargames for all eras
- Command Decision # 48: Japanese Defense of Saipan, 1944
- Command Decision # 46: Zeebrugge Raid, 1918 – Outcome and Analysis
- ONLINE EXTRA: FREE PC GAME! Download March to Baghdad, Episode 1: Decision at Tallil Air Base
- Special Feature: Global Strategic Realignment
- Bonus Article: Killing Hitler’s Hangman
- Battle Studies: How the South Could Have Won the Civil War
- Battlefield Leader: Orde Wingate: Unconventional Warrior
- Interactive command articles in which YOU make the decisions! Counterterrorist Mission in Yemen; Saladin vs. Crusaders, 1187; Guderian in Poland, 1939.
Don’t miss out! Subscribe now to Armchair General, the interactive military history magazine.
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My compliments to Jerry Morelock on the article about the 106th Division in the Battle of the Bulge. My dad was a Sergeant in Company C of the 424th Regiment of the 106th (one of the former ASTP personnel mentioned in the article). His recollections and my research since he passed away confirmed many of your conclusions. His company was called up to Winterspelt when the German offensive began. I visited the area in 2010 with some good maps and found lots of artillery craters and foxholes. Dad was blessed to come home. Thanks for a great article!
Just a note to congratulate you on a superb publication. I came across ACG on a news stand last year and soon became a subscriber. As a former State Department security policy analyst, it soon became apparent to me that your contributors and writers are extremely well-informed, and the high quality editing and makeup of the magazine make it a pleasure to read (and re-read)!
Thanks to your entire staff for making a significant and professional contribution to the national security debate. Keep up the great work; I look forward eagerly to each issue. Sincerely, W. Craig Davidson, Foreign Service officer (ret.), U.S. Army 1966-69.