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Posted on Feb 10, 2014 in Armchair Reading, Front Page Features

What Have Been YOUR Favorite Articles in Armchair General?

What Have Been YOUR Favorite Articles in Armchair General?

By Armchair General

Armchair General® magazine’s first issue—March 2004—appeared on newsstands in February of that year. Just one year later, the Chicago Tribune ranked ACG #25 among the “50 Best Magazines” in the World”—one of only two history magazines on the list and the only one specializing in military history!

Thanks to our readers we’re now celebrating our tenth year of presenting history, current events, present-day heroes, and interactive games, and we want to ask you, the readers:

What have been some of your favorite articles in Armchair General® magazine since you began reading it?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. As a history teacher I would say all of your stories are great, because I use them in my classes when I was teaching. My students loved them because they hate their classroom books because of the boring stories that made no sense. To me I wish you would put your magazines on a DVD so teachers could use them in the classroom.I have subscriptions to many of your magazines and I would buy them each Christmas for my college masters. I would love to see a story on the battle between Russia and China in 1960-70. This is the reason why president Nixon came to China in Feb 1972. This led to China to start the pullout from the Vietnam war.

  2. My favourite article among more than twenty Armchair General Magazine that I have read is Jerry Morelock’s “Failed Peace: The Treaty of Versaille 1919” in the November 2013 issue there Jerry Morelock explains some important misunderstandings about this important event.
