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Posted on Feb 6, 2007 in Armchair Reading


By Robert

I must say there is no finer publication when it comes to generating interest in military history. Ever since I picked up that first issue I have been hooked. Your ICS series has yet to disappoint, the Battle-field leader section is superb. You folks have put together a very entertaining magazine. My only quibble is that there has been a recent increase in right-wing political views (yes I mean Ralph Peters), his views are borderline extreme and I feel he is in danger of becoming a Michael Moore or Sean Hannity(ie: a nut-job). I would very much like to see his views tempered by a more moderate writer; I firmly believe that every modern military magazine should remain neutral to the political climate, offering views from both sides of the fence. Otherwise, continue the great work!



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Thanks very much for your email and for the very kind words about Armchair General. We try to present the best military history on a wide range of subjects in each issue and are very pleased to receive your feedback. I will pass your remark about ICS to the author, Col. ret. John Antal, as he will be very interested to receive the feedback.

Thank you also for your opinion of Ralph Peters’ Crisis Watch column and his longer special feature articles that we’ve published. Ralph’s column is very popular with readers, but since he is not at all shy (obviously, as you’ve pointed out) about voicing his strong opinions, they are not going to please everyone who reads them. As a regular ACG reader, you have probably noticed that we’ve recently begun another new regular column by Cap Weinberger, Jr. We feel that, as a civilian, Cap’s column brings another, non-military perspective to current issues.

Thanks again for your email and thanks for reading Armchair General.

Jerry Morelock
Editor in Chief, Armchair General magazine