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Posted on Oct 30, 2005 in Front Page Features, Stuff We Like

Palmerston Forts – Part 1 – Fort Brockhurst

Armchair General

To the east of the main bridge, a secondary bridge leads into the parade ground itself. This would have been used for vehicular traffic and was constructed from a "kit", a standard pattern with similar bridges at nearby Fort Rowner and Fort Grange. This bridge has recently undergone restoration work on the part of English Heritage.

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Looking through the gate, one can catch views of the interior parade ground which remains untouched from its original design.. Note the grassed slope to the right which leads to the ramparts and which would have been used to move guns around the inside of the Fort. There are two such ramps internally, effectively splitting the parade ground into three sections.


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Two views of the central structures within the parade ground, one from through the gate, the other from across the western "shoulder" of the Fort.

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And here is that western "shoulder". This section of the Fort would have contained accommodation for Officers and NCOs.

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Here are some views of the western flank of the Fort.

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A view from the west looking towards the main entrance, and a view of the grass-covered Western flank wall. You can clearly see the original gun emplacements.

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