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Posted on Mar 24, 2007 in Front Page Features, Tactics101

Tactics 101: 014. Decision-Making and the Power of CCIR

By Rick Baillergeon and John Sutherland





Let us know how things went on the forum! I hope this article will assist your decision-making abilities on the battlefield. We can not stress enough that in order to be successful these decisions must be timely and relevant! Next month, we will begin looking at offensive operations.


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  1. Tactics 101 067 – Decisions and the Decision Support Template » Armchair General - [...] For more discussion on CCIR, please read this outstanding article! [...]
  2. Tactics 010 070 – Reconnaisance, Part 1: the Foundations » Armchair General - [...] determine this focus by providing recon assets objectives. These objectives should be tied to the Commander’s Priority Intelligence Requirements…
  3. Tactics 101: Reconnaisance, Part 1: the Foundations « Wgvenom’s Weblog - [...] determine this focus by providing recon assets objectives. These objectives should be tied to the Commander’s Priority Intelligence Requirements…