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Posted on Nov 26, 2006 in Front Page Features, Stuff We Like

Royal International Air Tattoo 2006

By Phil Royal

The RAF provided its ground attack force display of Harrier and Tornado GR3, while the US Air Force provided a couple of big birds, with impressive take-offs and fly-bys (albeit a bit too high and brief for the crowd’s liking) of a B-52H and B1-B Lancer.

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RAF Tornado low pass and B-1B Lancer taxiing for take-off

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RAF Harrier at the hover and a B52H heavy on final approach

The display programme also had a number of notable items which weren’t excessively noisy. A final appearance was made by RAF EE Canberra PR9’s, representing the withdrawal from service of this type. A tribute flyby in the vein of the USAFs ‘Heritage Flight’ was performed by the USAF demonstration team’s F15C Eagle with Duxford-based P-51D Mustang ‘Twilight Tear’. Warbirds were also represented by the RAF Memorial Flight, the Lancaster always making an impressive sight.


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USAF F15C Eagle flyby

USAF Heritage Flight Flypast

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