Maps 1941

(North-Western Direction)

UpdatedAugust 4, 2008

Typical Soviet Abbreviations

Some typical coding of Soviet military maps and battle schemes

Abbreviations of units

North-Western Front
# Title Area Unit subordination Date Lang. Source
NW4101 Soviet counterattacks in the vicinity of Soltsy Soltsy vicinity NWF July RusEng 14
NW4102 Soviet counterattacks in the vicinity of Soltsy Soltsy vicinity NWF July Rus ?
NW4103 Summary of Operations in the vicinity of Pskov - Ostrov Pskov - Ostrov area NWF July 3-9 Rus 1
NW4104 Summary of Operations in the vicinity of Luga-Novgorod Luga - Novgorod NF/NWF July 3-9 Rus 1
NW4105 Defensive Operations in the vicinity of Luga and Novgorod Luga - Novgorod NF/NWF July 10 - 13 Rus 2
NW4106 11th Army Counter Attack Soltsy vicinity NWF July 14-18 Rus 4
NW4107 11th Army Counter Attack Soltsy vicinity NWF July 14-18 Rus 16


upNorth-Western Front (Baltic Area)
# Title Area Unit subordination Date Lang. Source
BA4101 The opponents assets at the commencement of the operations Baltic Region NWF June 21 Rus 1
BA4102 The opponents assets at the commencement of the operations. 03:00 am Baltic Region NWF June 22 RusEng 14
BA4103 Disposition and Artillery Fire of the 125th Rifle Division W. of Raseniai 11RC/8A June 22 RusEng 14
BA4104 Disposition and Artillery Fire of the 125th Rifle Division W. of Raseniai 11RC/8A June 22 Rus 16
BA4105 Disposition of the 9th Anti-Tank Artillery Brigade W. of Šiauliai 8A June 22 RusEng 14
BA4106 Disposition of the units of the 10th Rifle Division/8th Army and units of the 105th Border Guards Detachment in Klajpeda (Memel) area Baltic Region 10RC/8A June 22 Rus 12
BA4107 Combat operations of the North-Western Front Baltic region NWF June 22 - July 10 RusEng 1
BA4108 Summary operations of the 8th Army Baltic region NWF June Rus 8
BA4109 Summary operations of the North-Western Front Baltic region NWF June 22 - July 7 Rus 14
BA4110 Summary of operations Baltic region NWF June 22-July 9 Rus 4
BA4111 Summary of operations of the North-Western Front Baltic region NWF June 22 - Oct. Rus 9
BA4112 Meeting engagement of the 28th Tank Division Šiauliai area 12MC/8A June 23-25 Rus 3
BA4113 Summary operations for the 8th Army Baltic region NWF June 23 Rus 1
BA4114 Operations of the 12th Mechanised Corps accompained by the 2nd Tank Division/3rd Mech Corps Baltic region



June 23 Rus 8
BA4115 Summary of operations of the 8th Army Baltic region NWF June 24 Rus 1
BA4116 Summary of operations of the 12th Mechanised Corps Baltic region 8A June 24 Rus 8
BA4117 Summary of operations of the 8th Army Baltic region NWF June 25 Rus 1
BA4118 Summary of operations of the 12th Mechanised Corps Baltic region 8A June 25 Rus 8
BA4119 21st Mechanized Corps Operations Daugavpils (Dvinsk) area NWF June 28-July 3 Rus 10
BA4120 27th Army Operations Baltic region NWF June 29- July 5 Rus 8
BA4121 Operations on the North Western Front Baltic region NWF June 30 Rus 8
BA4122 Defense of Tallinn Tallinn NWF Aug. 25 Rus 8

Defensive Operations in the Moonsund archipelago

Moonsund archipelago NWF Sept.-Oct. Rus 8
BA4124 Disposition of Artillery Batteries on the Moonsund archipelago Moonsund archipelago NWF - Rus 8


upNorthern/North-Western Fronts. The Battle for Leningrad
# Title Area Unit subordination Date Lang. Source
L4101 The opponents assets south of Leningrad Leningrad NF/NWF Aug. 8 Rus 2
L4102 Defensive Operations around Gatchina (Krasnogvardeisk) Gatchina (Krasnogvardeisk) area NF/NWF Aug. 8-21 Rus 5
L4103 Beachhead Operations Luga bay - Gatchina (Krasnogvardeisk) area NF/NWF Aug. 22 - Sep. 9 Rus 5
L4104 Operations of the 168th Rifle Division Pavlovsk (Slutsk) - Tosno area 55A/LF Aug. 29 - Sept. 7 Rus 17
L4105 Defensive operations of the 42nd Army close approaches to Leningrad LF Sept. 8-15 Rus 5
L4106 Operations of the 168th Rifle Division Pavlovsk (Slutsk) 55A/LF Sept. 8 - Oct. 27 Rus 17
L4107 Offensive Operations of the first Sinyavino Operation Leningrad area 310RD/54A/LF Sept 9 - Oct. 19 Rus 13
L4108 Dispositions of the Artillery units of the 42nd Army Leningrad area 42A/LF Sept. 20 Rus 16
L4109 Combat operations of the 264th Separate Artillery-Machine-gun Battalion Petergof area 8A?/LF Sept. 20-24 Rus 15
L4110 The flow of Combat Operations in the proximity of Leningrad close approaches to Leningrad LF September Rus 5
L4111 Anti Tank Artillery Positions of the 42nd Army close approaches to Leningrad LF Oct. 13 Rus 16
L4112 Combats on Neva bridgehead ("Nevsky pyatachok") Leningrad area 115RD/NOG/LF ~Oct. 16-18 Rus 7
L4113 Combat operations Tikhvin - Volkhov area LF Oct. 16-Nov. 10 Rus 6
L4114 Course of the 2nd Sinyavino operation Leningrad area LF Oct. 20-28 Rus 13
L4115 The battle south-east to Leningrad. Tikhvin operation. The 4th Army Tikhvin - Volkhov area LF Nov 12 - Dec 27 Rus 14
L4116 Summary operation in Tikhvin area Tikhvin area LF Nov 12- Dec 31 Rus 6
L4117 Scheme of the "Road of Life" and other transport communicatin of Leningrad Leningrad - Ladoga lake LF Nov. 26'41 - year 1943 Rus 11
L4118 Disposition of the troops in the course of Tikhvin assault Tikhvin 65RD/4th Separate Army Dec. 8 Rus 6


Rem.: Troops fought on the Leningrad direction were subordinated in different time periods to the Northern, North-Western and Leningrad fronts.


Combats north from Leningrad see North '41 section

See also: 1942, 1943, 1944 years


A -Army

LF- Leningrad Front

NOG - Neva Operative Group

NWF - North-Western Front

NF - Northern Front

RC - Rifle Corps

RD - Rifle Division



  1. M. Kolomiets, "1941. Boi v Pribaltike", Frontovaya Illyustratsia, (2002), No 5
  2. Yu. S. Krinov, "Luzskiy rubezh. God 1941", Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1987
  3. "Taktika v boevykh primerakh. Polk", Voyennoe izdatelstvo Ministerstva Oborony SSSR, Moscow, 1974. (cited from
  4. I. Moshchanskiy, I. Khokhlov, "Napravleniye Severo-Zapad. Leningradskaya strategicheskaya oboronitalnaya operatsiya. 10 Ijyulia - 30 Sentyubria 1941 goda. Part 1", Moscow, Voyennaya Letopis/Military Chronicle No. 4, 2002
  5. I. Moshchanskiy, I. Khokhlov."Nevskiy Bastion. Leningradskaya strategicheskaya oboronitelnaya operatsiya. 10 Iyulia - 30 Sentiabrya 1941 goda. Chast' 2", Voyennaya Letopis/Military Chronicle, No. 5/2002
  6. I. Moshchanskiy, D. Sakhonchik. "Blokada Leningrada. Kontrnastupleniye pod Tikhvinom 10 Noyabria-30 Dekabria 1941 goda" , Voyennaya Letopis' /Military Chronicle, 2/2004
  8. R.S. Irinarkhov, "Pribaltiyskiy Osobyi", Minsk, "Kharvest", 2004
  9. Na severo-zapadnom fronte 1941-1943, Moscow, Nauka, 1969
  10. D.D. Lelyushenko, "Zarya Pobedy", Voyennoye Izdatelstvo MO, Moscow, 1966
  11. Golubev V.F., "Vo imya Leningrada", Moscow, FAIR-PRESS, 2000 (cited from
  16. Sovetskaja Artilleryija v Velikoy Otechestvennoy vojne 1941-1945 godov, Moscow, Voyennoye Izdatel'stvo Ministerstva Oborony SSSR, 1960
  17. Borshchev S.N., "Ot Nevy do Elby", 2nd Ed., Lenizdat, Leningrad, 1973
