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Posted on Sep 19, 2005 in Front Page Features, Stuff We Like

Military Odyssey, 2005

Armchair General



The annual Military Odyssey show at Detling in Kent has now been running for 5 years. Unlike the much larger event at Beltring just a few miles away and held a few weeks before, the show isn’t just limited to modern warfare from World War II onwards, but geared more toward warfare and militaria from all eras, including the ancient world.

I took a trip to this year’s show to see for myself what sights and sounds were on offer, and I was most definitely not disappointed.


You will find the following link of interest:

Military Odyssey

This report covers the following:

1) Show Ground and Stalls.

2) Re-enactors.

3) Vehicles.

4) Jagdpanther.

4) Battles.

All pictures were taken using a Sony DSC-H1 Cyber-shot digital camera. Click on the thumbnails below for larger images.

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