Military Odyssey, 2005
The annual Military Odyssey show at Detling in Kent has now been running for 5 years. Unlike the much larger event at Beltring just a few miles away and held a few weeks before, the show isn’t just limited to modern warfare from World War II onwards, but geared more toward warfare and militaria from all eras, including the ancient world.
I took a trip to this year’s show to see for myself what sights and sounds were on offer, and I was most definitely not disappointed.
{default}You will find the following link of interest:
This report covers the following:
1) Show Ground and Stalls.
2) Re-enactors.
3) Vehicles.
4) Jagdpanther.
4) Battles.
All pictures were taken using a Sony DSC-H1 Cyber-shot digital camera. Click on the thumbnails below for larger images.
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