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Posted on Jul 26, 2006 in Front Page Features, Stuff We Like

Farnborough International Airshow 2006

Armchair General

And so we reached the final displays, and believe it or not, the sun was poking through the clouds once more. This was the highlight of my day, the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight were going to perform a display for us, followed by two more Spitfires whilst something else was arranged…

The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight consists of a Lancaster Bomber, a Spitfire and a Hurricane. Last time at Farnborough they performed a flypast, this time however, they were on site the whole time.

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Taking off separately, the three planes each performed their own routine.


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The graceful lines of the Spitfire mask its deadly nature.


With the Hurricane and Spitfire fading into the distance, it was the turn of the Lancaster, Britain’s heaviest bomber during World War II, to take centre stage, and what a lovely sight.

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Joining up for one final flypast, the three planes of the flight sweep past to remind us all of the sacrifices made during the last World War.

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Slowly, ponderously, the Lancaster and her two escorts come in to land.

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And the finale to the show – leaping out from 5,000 feet, the RAF Falcons parachute display team come slowly to Earth, followed by their C 130 transport plane which took off some time earlier to drop them from the clouds.

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Another Farnborough International Airshow is over. See you there again in two years’ time.


A J Summersgill

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