Posted on May 10, 2013 in Armchair Reading
Armchair General July 2013 Issue – Battle of Gettysburg
By Armchair General
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- Special Feature: Truman’s Nightmare—What would Allied forces have faced if they invaded Japan?
- Feature: The Forest Brothers—Why were Lithuanian partisans so determined in their resistance?
- 10 Questions: John Hamilton, the VFW’s commander in chief—What is the VFW’s importance in American society?
- Battle Studies: Myths of Gettysburg, by Ralph Peters. Did Meade want to retreat? Was the battle really decisive?
- Crisis Watch by Ralph Peters – “Cradle of Counterinsurgency” – Why humans are “hard-wired” to resist
- Dispatches – real heroes, destinations, special events and more
PLUS! {default}
- Must-Read/Must-See Books and DVDs
- Game Reviews
- Mailbag
- Test your decision-making skills by choosing the best course of action for the Battle of Trenton, 1776; Canadian Infantry Attack, 1944; and The Battle of Minden, 1759.
- Play It! Play the history you read; ACG‘s list of recommended wargames for all eras
- Combat Decision # 57: Canadian Infantry Attack, 1944
- Combat Decision # 55: Spanish Blue Division in Russia, 1943 – Outcome and Analysis
- ONLINE EXTRA: FREE PC GAME! Download March to Baghdad, Episode 1: Decision at Tallil Air Base
- Special Feature: Why Mali Matters—The Islamist takeover offers terrorists a safe haven in northwest Africa
- Bonus Article: Indian National Army, 1942-45—The Japanese created an army of POWs to fight Britain
- 10 Questions: Sergeant Salvatore Giunta—A U.S. Army Medal of Honor recipient answers ACG‘s questions in this intriguing interview
- Crisis Watch by Ralph Peters
- Great Warriors: German Luftwaffe, 1939-45
- Battle Studies: General Balck at the Chir River, 1942. This German general led one of history’s greatest divisional battles.
- Forgotten History: Fall of Elam, 645 B.C. Assyrians obliterated the ancient kingdom in present-day Iran.
- Battlefield Leader: Admiral Dewey at Manila Bay, 1898
- Interactive command articles in which YOU make the decisions! German Assault on Fort Eben Emael, 1940; World War I in Africa, 1914; and Rommel Defends Normandy, 1944
Don’t miss out! Subscribe now to Armchair General, the interactive military history magazine.
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