March 2009 Issue – World War II Air Power
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In this issue, you’ll learn
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Just received this issue in the mail today….looks great, as usual! An eclectic and informative mix of articles. The illustrations of the Allied bombers and German Fallschirmjager glider are esp. good, as are the Forgotten History, Legendary Combat Units, and Great Warriors columns. Will probably disagree with the articles on Allied bombing strategy, due to the immorality of strategic terror bombing, but I’ll most likely still enjoy reading them.
Also, noticed that the magazine is shorter and more condensed, most likely due to the continuing drop in readers of print materials, and increasing printing and postage costs. Please know, however, that I am always pleased by your magazine and will continue to support it with my subscription in the years to come.
Happy 5th Anniversary!
Excellent magazine. I have every issue since #1. I ‘ve been teaching high school history for over thirty years and I’ve been a board wargamer longer than that. Your articles and website
are great. I’ve used both many times in my classes. I’ve given up
several subsrciptions because of the economy, but Armchair
General will be the very last I give up! Keep up the excellent work.
Also, the Combat! article on the Finns during the Winter War and the You Command article on the Fallschirmjagers on Crete were very good, esp. since the Finns don’t receive much coverage when it comes to WWII.
As far as the article on the atomic bombs, it should be noted that Truman’s estimate of at least half a million American casualties was regarded as an overestimate by some. For comparison, Adm. Nimitz guessed 49,000 for the first 30 days; Gen. MacArthur 105,000 for the first 120 days; Gen. Marshall only 70,000; and Adm. Leahy only 268,000—considerable numbers of casualties, to be sure, but not 500,000 or the 1,000,000+ suggested by some.
Alexander Wilson
I have to tell yoou guys how much your comments (and commitment) mean to me!
Thanks very much for sharing your thoughts. It is very motivating to us.
Best wishes,
Eric Weider
ACG Publisher
Another great issue! I too noticed that this issue is shorter. Is this a sign of things to come? or will we see larger issues in the fututre
There are really only 3-4 less editorial pages…we mostly cut out pages that were going to ads since the advertising market is a little soft right now as you probably imagine. Thanks again for your support!
Eric Weider
ACG Publisher
Your most recent issue had a story about The Culper Ring. I had no idea there was an intelligence network was in existence and a successful one at that. Your magazine continues to amaze me. I learn something new with every issue. Congradulations on your 5th anniversary
Thanks…believe me I appreciate any constuctive criticism…but the nice comments sure do make my day! I appreciate you taking the time to comment.
Eric Weider
ACG Publisher
The one thing of interest in all of your estimates is that there is not a single estimate by any general that has less casualties than even the bloodiest battles in the civil war. The figures those generals gave out, although low, were downright apocalyptic for a nation that escaped the likes of the people-grinders on the eastern front. 50,000 casualties for any American military operation over a month is an enormous loss of life. That’s two Gettysburgh’s and surely that thought crossed Truman’s mind when he ordered the bomb to be dropped.
As it turns out, those who expected the United States to match Russia for casualties with an ultimate showdown with Japan should note the estimate of casualties for Operation Olympic were all based on an assumption of Japanese strength that was probably too low. Allied planning for Olympic and Coronet was based on the assumption that the Japanese would not be able to move their army from China back to Japan. Despite a stiff American blockade, the Japanese were able to do exactly that.
One source gives an American estimate of at most 21 Japanese divisions in opposition. In the real world, the Japanese had 65, although only half of them were actually armed. Similarly, the Japanese had far more Kamikaze aircraft and fuel for them available then was estimated by the USA. If the Japanese were to convert with the same degree of success that they had at Okinawa, it was not unthinkable that they sink around 400-500 US ships. Even worse, unlike Germany, Japan had accurately forecast where the American landings would take place.
With all of those things in place, and given a track record of fanatical Japanese resistance likely only to be amplified when in defense of their homeland, suddenly 500,000 to 1,000,000 casualties becomes a lot more of a realistic estimate. But even with a forecast of “only” 50,000 casualties on his desk, Truman did the right thing. When your best estimate of casualties is twice the worst battle in the US civil war, then there’s really only one answer. Drop the bomb and end the war.
I particularly enjoyed the armchair general article regarding the Finn attack against the Soviets. Due to these types of attacks, and the heavy casualties suffered by the Soviets, is the very reason a bitter peace was even possible.
Thanks for your reply to my comments on the atomic bombings. Your points are all valid and well presented; but I still disagree with the decision to drop the atomic bombs.
Regarding Truman’s decision. As pointed out in the magazine, had he NOT used the bomb, and 50k more young men came home in a flag draped box unecessarily, Truman would have been impeached, and gone down in history as a bigger traitor than Benedict Arnold and the Rosenberg’s combined!
Air power issues is weak and un-motivating
There are really only 3-4 less editorial pages…we mostly cut out pages that were going to ads since the advertising market is a little soft right now as you probably imagine. Thanks again for your support!
Eric Weider
ACG Publisher
So what you’re saying is screw you subscriber.