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Posted on Aug 23, 2007 in Front Page Features, Stuff We Like

Yokohama’s New Grand Hotel – MacArthur’s First Japanese Home

By Mo Ludan

“Today” Photos

Hotel New Grand: the old and the new.  The 18-story New Grand Tower was built in 1991 adjacent to the main building, which houses the MacArthur Suite.  Completed in 1927, the 5-story main building was designed by Jim Watanabe (1887-1973), who, by coincidence, also designed MacArthur’s  permanent HQ in Tokyo, the Dai-Ichi Mutual Life Insurance headquarters.  Hotel is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year – zoom in on neon announcement atop the marquee.

Yamashita Park, Port of Yokohama.  A boy peers through the statue of two dancing girls. Behind him is Hotel New Grand.

Yamashita Park. The main building of Hotel New Grand is framed by the imposing 348-foot high steel Marine Tower (left), the world’s tallest lighthouse, and (right) by the Indian Water Fountain, donated by the city of San Diego. Pergola and gingko trees in background survived the war.

Yamashita Park, Yokohama Harbor as seen from Hotel New Grand.

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  1. An interesting idea for an article and a very well-written article. It was interesting to read the letter from the officer explaining the actual circumstances of General MacArthur’s greeting of General Wainwright.

  2. I remember the New Grand Hotel, I lived and worked there from Nov 1947 to June 1950. The hotel was a part of the Eight Army Officers Club in those days. I was bar manager for the club part. Major Knowles was the Club Custodian. He was later replaced with Maj Rabb, as I recall. I knew Young Nomura quite well.

  3. I am not versed on if this is a “blog” or not but what an interesting study in history. I particularly liked the comparison in photos from 1945 and today. Great job.

  4. Very interesting. I was stationed near Yokohama from 1966 to 1968 and saw the Hotel New Grand many times. Also spent many hours in Yamashita Park. At the time I did not know history of the hotel just 21 years earlier.

  5. Check out Armchair General’s feature web article on “The New Grand Hotel,” which is located in Yokohama 17 miles south of Tokyo. The majestic, grand hotel survived the war and served as MacArthur’s first home in Japan.

    A few days later, the General moved his quarters to the U.S. ambassador’s official residence in Tokyo and his GHQ at six-story Dai-Ichi Mutual Life’s imposing world headquarters. Both structures miraculously survived the carpet bombing of the city.

    Also check the FORUM’s Trackbacks/Pingbacks for the film on “Hits and Misses in the Movie ‘Emperor’ Armchair General.”


  1. Armchair General Magazine – We Put YOU in Command!Historical Hits and Misses in the Movie ‘Emperor’ | Armchair General - [...] (See “Yokohama’s New Grand Hotel: MacArthur’s First Home in Japan” article/photo gallery at [...]