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Posted on Feb 22, 2012 in Stuff We Like

WWII Naval History Day by Day

By Armchair General

Armchair General received the note below from, and we’re passing it along for those who want to research naval history of World War II, especially Royal Navy history. Most of the information concerns the British Navy; very little is about the U.S. However, you’ll also find some info on the German, Italian, French, Polish, Greek and Yugoslavian navies.

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Naval-History.Net has researched and published original data for 14 years. In the case of World War 2, this includes Admiralty War Diaries and Action Reports.

The War Diaries from August 1939 to March 1942 are combined with other primary sources into a day-by-day account. The period April 1942 into 1946 is covered by a growing number of War Diaries ranging from the Home and Mediterranean Fleets to the British Pacific Fleet. All can be found at


The Diaries make fascinating reading in their own right. They also provide detailed movements of hundreds of ships and the men who sailed in them.

To research ships and men, you can also use the search box in the top lefthand side of