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Posted on Jan 19, 2011 in Games PR

World Supremacy Patched


Shrapnel Games and Malfador Machinations have announced the release of their latest patch for World Supremacy.  This patch brings the game to version 1.06 this patch addresses primarily multiplayer issues.

The World Supremacy 1.06 patch contains the following changes:

  • Fixed – Access Violation error would occur sometimes when "Starting nations are contiguous" was unselected.
  • Fixed – Games played with non-US settings would have strange combat effects.
  • Fixed – The AI would sometimes process forever if it no longer had any land territories.
  • Fixed – Game over wold occur if a player had lost all regions but still had sea units.
  • Fixed – In a Hotseat game the human players after the first would have more starting money.
  • Fixed – In a Hotseat game if a player after the first saved the game once reloaded it would be the first player’s turn and they would not be able to select any units.
  • Fixed – In a multiplayer game sometimes players would not be able to see their own territories.
  • Fixed – In a multiplayer game a player who did not have the selected map would not get the proper error message.
  • Fixed – In a multiplayer game sometimes the game would become dissynchronous between players.
  • Added – Additional window sizes for a Windowed game.

The version 1.06 patch can be downloaded from the official World Supremacy product page.
