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Posted on Nov 23, 2010 in Games PR

World of Tanks Gets Worldwide Translation

wpengine has just announced the launch of six separate website localizations for its upcoming MMO World of Tanks. With the new localizations at hand, players from France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland, and Spain can now reach comprehensive information about World of Tanks in their native languages. is working on localizing their community website into European languages to ensure the highest quality experience for their players. Along with the promo websites, players from all European countries will soon enjoy World of Tanks interface in their mother tongue as well.

“We are extremely happy to see that more and more audiences are attracted by our project”, says Nick Katselapov, producer of the game. “We are on the way to meet the large international interest in World of Tanks by successively expanding various localizations of the game. The launch of the promo websites for World of Tanks in a number of European languages is a very important event for local communities.”


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For more information on World of Tanks, visit

World of Tanks in French

World of Tanks in German

World of Tanks in Italian

World of Tanks in Latvian

World of Tanks in Polish

World of Tanks in Spanish