What happened to Korea ?
I received my September issue of Armchair General but can not find the 1st part of the Korea: the next war series.
Why has this happened? I would like an explanation as of why Im having to read this story on your website and not curled up in front of the fire?
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Thanks very much for your email to Armchair General magazine. The Interactive Combat Story is no longer a department in Armchair General magazine since we will begin to replace it with several brand new departments in the January 2008 issue. Since the "Korea" series would have run through January, our publisher decided to move the remaining ICS series to the web now and complete the "Korea" story line as a web article series.
{default}To read it on the web, click on the September issue at the top of the ACG home page and follow the link when the Sept issue articles page comes up.
Jerry Morelock
Editor in Chief, Armchair General Magazine