Tactics 101: 024 – The Attack of a Built Up Area
Frontal Attack – As in other environments, the frontal attack is not the preferred method of maneuver. It is resource intensive and you may risk exposing Soldiers needlessly to enemy fire. However, if you possess overwhelming combat power and your intelligence is highly accurate and timely; then the frontal attack may be the proper maneuver choice.
Penetration – Just like a mounted attack on a prepared defense, the penetration is the preferred method of maneuver against a prepared defense in urban terrain. Again, the commander determines where the decisive point is and focuses his combat power on attacking through that decisive point. It is critical during the penetration that once the initial penetration is accomplished, forces are positioned so they can exploit the penetration. If this does not occur, you could find friendly forces becoming encircled by the enemy.
{default}Infiltration – Just as in other environments, an infiltration in built-up terrain seeks to avoid enemy contact and then seize favorable terrain in the enemy’s rear area. The conditions of an urban area have their advantages and disadvantages in attempting an infiltration. The smaller the size unit conducting the infiltration — the better. If the force gets compromised, it will be difficult to send in additional forces to assist them.
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