Sioux War Dispatches: Rallies, Repulses, and ‘Villainous Falsehoods’ – Book Excerpt
Back in July of 2011, Sioux Wars researcher and writer Marc H. Abrams provided Armchair General with an article titled "Charles St. George Stanley—Artist, Writer, ‘Indian Fighter,’" based on information from his book, Crying for Scalps: St. George Stanley’s Sioux War Narrative.
Recently, he sent us this excerpt from his latest publication, Sioux War Dispatches: Reports from the Field, 1876–1877, published by Westholme Publishing, to share with our readers. Click on the title to download a pdf of "Rallies, Repulses, and ‘Villainous Falsehoods.’"
{default}Abrams has also published Newspaper Chronicles of the Indian Wars, Including A Comprehensive Account of the Sioux War of 1876. Delving into newspaper accounts of the period has been a Herculean effort on his part—he’s been at this for 35 years—and it provides a sense not only of what happened but how the news was presented to Americans at the time.