Prime Movers of RKKA

June 13, 2003
back homedown

Artillery Prime Movers and Tractors
Type Weight, kg Max. speed with trailer, km/h Range, km Trailer weight Total production Units by staff * Units actually *
T-20 "Komsomolets"*1 3300 35 170 2500 7780 2810 4401
"Komintern" 10640 30 80 6800 1798 6891 1017
STZ-3 5100 8 60 2600 - 10434 5646
S-60 tractor 9500 7 80 5500 -
S-65 tractor 11200 7 90 4000 -
S-2 "Stalinets" 11700 24 180 10000 1275 6523 3343
STZ-5 5700 32 70 2450 9944
"Kommunar" 10640 30 80 6800 1798
"Voroshilovets" 15500 36 270 18000 970 733 228
Agricultural Tractors - - - - - 4096 12459
Total 31487 27094
Ja-12*2 6550 38 290 8000 1666 - -
ZIS-42*3 5252 36 390 2250 5931 ? ?
ZIS-32 4770 25 - 2000 197 ? ?

* - on Jan. 01'41

*1 - Armored prime mover for light guns.

*2 - Produced since 1943.

*3 - Half-track.

    In RKKA only battalion, regimental artillery and light artillery regiments used horses!

STZ-3, STZ-5 prime movers and S-60, S-65 tractors were designed for field guns and light howitzers.

S-2 "Stalinets-2", "Komintern"- for medium and heavy guns (from 85mm Anti-aircraft guns to 280mm mortars).

"Voroshilovets" - for heavy and super heavy guns.

    Usually guns were skidded by ordinary trucks (GAZ-AA, GAZ-AAA (modifications of Ford AA and Ford AAA), ZIS-5, ZIS-6). During the war lend-lease Dodge and Studebaker trucks were widely used.

  1. A. Ivanov "Artillerija SSSR v period vtoroy mirovoy vojny" SPb, "Neva", 2003
