
UpdatedSeptember 19, 2005

upThe Number of Tanks and SP Guns Received from Industry
(July 1'41 - September 1'45) [1]
Type Year Total
1941 1942 1943 1944 1945
Heavy tanks 930 2553 719 2250 2015 8467
Medium tanks 1886 12661 15710 14673 10055 54985
Light tanks 1564 9375 3478 - - 14417
Small tanks*1 487 - - - - 487
Total 4867 24589 19907 16923 12070 78356
Heavy SP guns - - 703 2512 2020 5235
Medium SP guns - 35 1616 2393 1670 5714
Light SP guns 101 25 1908 7155 4706 13895
Total SP guns 101 60 4227*2 12060 8396 24844*3
Total tanks and SP guns 4968 24649 24134*2 28983 20466 103200*3

*1 - seems to be T-40 and T-30 tanks. Rem. AMVAS

*2 - figures are recalculated by AMVAS. In original are 4197 and 24104 respectively

*3 -corrected by AMVAS. In original 24814 and 103170 respectively.

upThe Number of Tanks and SP Guns Produced by Different Plants
(July 1'41 - June 1'45) [1]
Plant (town) Type Year Total Total
1941 1942 1943 1944 1945
LKZ (Leningrad) KV 444 - - - - 444 454
IS-2 - - - - 10 10
TchKZ (Tchelyabinsk) KV, KV-1S, KV-85 486 2553 617 - - 3656 16832
IS-1 - - 67 40 - 107
IS-2 - - 35 2210 1140 3385
IS-3 - - - - 125 125
SU-152 - - 668 2 - 670
ISU-152 - - 35 1340 510 1885
ISU-122 - - - 1170 740 1910
T-34-76 - 1055 3594 445 - 5094
No. 183 (Kharkov) T-34-76 744 - - - - 744 744
No. 75 (Kharkov) T-44 - - - 25 240 265 265
No. 183 (Nizhniy Tagil) T-34-76 25 5684 7466 1838 - 15013 25266
T-34-85 - - - 6583 3670 10253
No. 112 (Gorkiy) T-34-76 161 2718 2851 540 - 6270 10894
T-34-85 - - - 3079 1545 4624
No. 174 (Leningrad) T-26 116 - - - - 116 176
T-50 60 - - - - 60
No. 174 (Omsk) T-50 - 15 - - - 15 4807
T-34-76 - 417 1347 1163 - 2927
T-34-85 - - - 1000 865 1865
Uralmashzavod (Sverdlovsk) T-34-76 - 267 452 - - 719 5571
SU-122 - 26 612 - - 638
SU-85 - - 761 1893 - 2654
SU-100 - - - 500 1060 1560
STZ (Stalingrad) T-34-76 956 2520 - - - 3476 3476
No. 38 (Kirov) SU-76; SU-76M - 25 1097 1103 - 2225 4142
T-60 - 539 - - - 539
T-70 - 1378 - - - 1378
No. 37 (Moscow) T-40; T-30 487 - - - - 487 507
T-60 20 - - - - 20
No. 37 (Sverdlovsk) T-70 - 10 - - - 10 1223
T-60 - 1158 55 - - 1213
No. 264 (Stalingrad area) T-60 45 1141 - - - 1186 1186
GAZ (Gor'kiy) T-60 1323 1639 - - - 2962 17333
T-70 - 3495 3348 - - 6843
T-80 - - 5 - - 5
SU-76M - - 601 4708 2214 7523
No. 40 (Mytishchi) SU-76M - - 210 1344 752 2306 2376
T-80 - - 70 - - 70
Total Tanks and SP guns 4867 24640 23891 28983 12871* 95252 95252

*-corrected by AMVAS. In original - 12401.

upThe Number of Tanks Produced [1]
Type July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
KV-1 177 207 108 92 156 190 930
T-34-76 302 421 398 185 253 327 1886
T-60 - - - 245 471 672 1388
T-50 15 35 - - - 10 60
T-26 49 67 - - - - 116
T-40S, T-30 52 90 210 115 - 20 487
Total 595* 820 716 637 880 1219 4867

* - Figure corrected by AMVAS. In original - 479.


upThe Number of Tanks Produced [1]
Type 1942 1943
I half II half Total I half II half Total
KV-1S, KV-85 1663 890 2553 378 239 617
IS-1, IS-2 - - - - 102 102
T-34-76 4414 8247 12661 7248 8462 15710
T-60 4254 223 4477 55 - 55
T-50 15 - 15 - - -
T-70 831 4052 4883 2153 1195 3348
T-80 - - - - 75 75
Total 11177 13412 24589 9834 10073 19907


upThe Number of Tanks Produced [1]
Type 1944 1945
I half II half Total I half
IS-1, IS-2 775 1475 2250 1515
T-34-76 3828 158 3986 -
T-34-85 3455 7207 10662 6080
T-44 - 25 25 240
Total 8058 8865 16923 7835

upThe Number of T-34 Tanks Produced [1]
(July'41- June'45)
Year Type Plant (town) Month Total
1941 T-34-76 No. 183 (Kharkov)   209 266 228 41 - - 744 744
No. 183 (Nizhniy Tagil) - - - - - 25 25 25
No. 112 (Gor'kiy) - - 5 20 53 83 161 161
STZ (Stalingrad) 93 155 165 124 200 219 956 956
Total 302 421 398 185 253 327 1886 1886
1942 T-34-76 No. 183 (Nizhniy Tagil) 75 140 225 380 500 500 564 600 610 707 625 758 5512/172** 5684=5512/172*
No. 112 (Gor'kiy) 145 131 200 64 173 164 250 300 350 336 280 325 2612/106** 2718=2612/106
STZ (Stalingrad) 234 250 290 300 305 298 421 290 101 - - - 2489*1/31** 2520=2489*1/31
No. 174 (Omsk) - - - - - 9 28 55 55 105 55 110 417 417
TchKZ (Tchelyuabinsk) - - - - - - - 30 220 300 230 275 1055 1055
UZTM (Sverdlovsk) - - - - - - - - 15 51 101 100 267 267
Total 454 521 715 744 978 971 1263 1275 1351 1499 1291 1568 12534/137** 12630=12321/309
1943 T-34-76 No. 183 (Nizhniy Tagil) 450 500 650 680 615 540 675 667 667 673 672 677 7376/90** 7466=7376/90
No. 112 (Gor'kiy) 250 250 276 120 275 145 225 235 255 268 276 276 2622/229** 2851=2622/229
No. 174 (Omsk) 60 50 131 140 61 75 87 99 131 121 118 115 1188/159** 1188=1029/159
TchKZ (Tchelyuabinsk) 220 220 276 300 275 235 315 332 340 366 354 360 3593*2 3593
UZTM (Sverdlovsk) 100 352*** - - - - - - - 452 452
Total 1080 5171*** 995 1302 1333 1393 1428 1420 1428 15322/388** 15550=15072/478
1944 T-34-76 No. 183 (Nizhniy Tagil) 645 680 513 - - - - - - - - - 1838 1838
No. 112 (Gor'kiy) 211 169 108 - - - - - - - - - 488/52** 488=436/52
No. 174 (Omsk) 111 90 101 101 151 172 86 19 1 - - - 832/331** 832=501/331
TchKZ (Tchelyuabinsk) 185 185 75 - - - - - - - - - 445 445
Total 1152 1124 797 101 151 172 86 19 1 - - - 3603/383** 3603=3220/383
T-34-85 No. 183 (Nizhniy Tagil) - - 150 696 701 706 711 714 723 724 727 731 6583 6583
No. 112 (Gor'kiy) 25 75 178 296 300 315 315 315 315 315 315 315 3079 3079
No. 174 (Omsk) - - - - - 13 93 146 198 190 190 140 970/30 970=940/30
Total 25 75 328 992 1001 1034 1119 1175 1236 1229 1232 1186 10632/30** 10632=10602/30
T-44 No. 75 (Kharkov) - - - - - - - - - - 5 20 25 25
1945 T-34-85 No. 183 (Nizhniy Tagil) 745 750 730 730 715   3579/91** 3670=3579/91
No. 112 (Gor'kiy) 300 300 315 315 315 1490/55** 1545=1490/55
No. 174 (Omsk) 125 110 170 145 160 710/155** 710=555/155
Total 1170 1160 1215 1190 1190 5779/210** 5925=5624/301
T-44 No. 75 (Kharkov) 20 20 60 65 75 240 240

I introduced two "Total" columns - from original and by my own calculations, as figures in original not always represents resulting sum of cells in corresponding rows. I suspect it takes place because in some cases flame thrower tanks were included in total amount of produced and in other- not.

* - Total = Line/Flame thrower. Corrections made by AMVAS.

** - in denominator the number of flame thrower tanks produced over the total number of line tanks given in numinator (as it is given in original table. Rem. AMVAS)

*** - No data in original table. Estimated from resulting cells by AMVAS.


*1 - figure corrected by AMVAS. In original - 2499/31;

*2 - figure corrected by AMVAS. In original - 3593;

upThe Number of Flame Thrower Tanks Produced [1]
Plant Type 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Total
STZ OT-34-76 - 31 - - - 31
No. 183 (Nizhniy Tagil) OT-34-76 - 172 90 - - 262
OT-34-85 - - - - 91 91
No. 112 (Krasnoye Sormovo) OT-34-76 - 106 229*1 52 - 387*1
OT-34-85 - - - - 55*2 55*2
No. 174 (Omsk) OT-34-76 - - 159*3 331 - 490*3
OT-34-85 - - - 30 155 185
LKZ (Leningrad) KV-1 (Flame thrower) 3 - - - - 3
TchKZ (Tchelyabinsk) KV-8 - 102 - - - 102
KV-8S - 25 10 - - 35
Total 3*4 436 488 413 301 1641*4

*1 - including 77 tanks with radio trasmitters;

*2 - all tanks equipped with radio transmitters;

*3 - one tank with ATO-41 flame thrower apparatus, the other with ATO-42, from them 71 tanks with radio stations;

*4 - OT-130 and OT-133 flame thrower tanks built in Sept.-Oct.'41 by plant No. 174 are not included;

upThe Number of KV Tanks Produced [1]
Year Type (plant) Month Total
1941 KV-1 (LKZ)   153 180 81 30 - - 444
KV-1 (TchKZ) 24 27 27 62 156 190 486
1942 KV-1*1 (TchKZ) 216 262/2 250 260/22 325/26 287/13 132/18 70/21 - - - - 1802/102*1
KV-1S (TchKZ) - - - - - - - 34 174/6 166/9 125/10 125 624/25*2
1943 KV-1S (TchKZ) 93/7 72/3 53 45 75 30 52 39 - - - - 459/10*1
KV-85 (TchKZ) - - - - - - - 22 63 63 - - 148
Total 3963/137*1

*1 - in denominator the number of flame throwers from total amount of tanks produced;

*2 - having turrets from KV-1 mod. 1941;

upThe Number of IS Tanks Produced [1]
(October 1'43 - September 1'45)
Year Type (plant) Month Total
1943 IS-1 - - - - - - - - - 2 25 40 67
IS-2 - - - - - - - - - - - 35 35
1944 IS-1 40 - - - - - - - - - - - 40
IS-2 35 75 100 150 175 200 225 250 250 250 250 250 2210
1945 IS-2 (TchKZ) 250 250 250 230 150 - - -   1130
IS-2 (LKZ) - - 5 - - 5 - - 10
IS-3 - - - 25 100 250 250 250 875


upThe Number of Armored Cars Produced [1]
Type 1941* 1942 1943 1944 1945** Total
BA-10 (BA-10M) 331/56 - - - - 331/56
BA-20 (BA-20M) 302/107 137/32 - - - 439/139
BA-64 - 2486/716 1415/636 - - 3901/1352
BA-64B - - 405/214 3000/1404 868/420 4273/2038
Total 633/163 2623/748*1 1820/850 3000/1404 868/420 8944/3585

In numenator a total amount of vehicles is given. In denominator equiped with radio stations from total amount;

* - first 6 months;

** - first 5 months;

*1 - figure corrected by AMVAS. In original - 742

upThe Number of Self-propelled Guns Produced [1]
Type (plant) 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Total
ZIS-30 (No. 92) 101* - - - - 101
SU-76 (No. 38) - 25 535 - - 560
SU-76M (No. 38) - - 562 1103 - 1665
SU-76M (GAZ) - - 601 4708 2214 7523
SU-76M (No. 40) - - 210 1344 752 2306
SU-76I (No. 37) - - 201** - - 201
SG-122 [SU-122I] (No. 592) - 9 12 - - 21
SU-122 (UZTM) - 26 612 - - 638
SU-85 (UZTM) - - 761 1578 - 2339
SU-100 (UZTM) - - - 500 1060 1560
SU-85M (UZTM) - - - 315 - 315
SU-152 (TchKZ) - - 668 2 - 670
ISU-152 (TchKZ) - - 35 1340 510 1885
ISU-122 (TchKZ) - - - 945 490 1435
ISU-122S (TchKZ) - - - 225 250 475
Total 101 60 4197 12060 5276 21694

* - including one with 45mm AT gun;

** - including experimental one;

Also 12 ZSU-37 antiaircraft SP guns were built in 1945.

  1. "Otechestvennye bronirovannye mashiny. XX vek" : nauchnoe izdanie v 4-kh tomakh/ Solyankin A.G., Pavlov M.V., Pavlov I.V., Zheltov I.G./ Tom 2.  "Otechestvennye bronirovannye mashiny. 1941-1945" , Moscow, Exprint, 2005
