Lend-Lease AFVs at Kursk & Ukraine


UpdatedMay 18, 2005

upTank Units of the Central Front [1]
Unit T-34 Mk. II Mk. III M3L M3M M4A2 SU-76
202nd TBr/19th TC*1 7 2 11 - - - -
48th Army
45th STR - - - 9 30 - 8
193rd STR - - - - 55 - 3
229th STR - - - - - 38 -
48th Army (total)*2 - - - 9 85 38 11

*1-On July 07, 1943

*2 - On July 01, 1943

upTank Units of the Stepnoy Front [1]
Unit T-34 Mk. II Mk.III T-70 SU-122
35th STR *1 - 2 - - -
201st TBr *1 8 7 8 - -
September, 1943
35th STR - - 6 20 -
27th Gds. TBr 7 - 12 1 1
October, 1943 (2nd Ukrainian Front)
27th Gds. TBr 8 - 4*2 - -
201st TBr 5 - 10*2 - -

*1 - Aug. 01, 1943

*2 * English "Valentine IV" and Canadian "Valentine VII" tanks


Note: M3L=M3 (light) , M3M = M3 (medium) tanks

  1. M. Kolomiets, I. Moshchanskiy, "Tanki Lend-Liza", Exprint, 2000



Gds. - Guards

STR - Separate Tank Regiment

TBr- Tank Brigade

TC - Tank Corps
