Maps 1942

(South-Western Direction)

UpdatedJune 22, 2009

Typical Soviet Abbreviations

Some typical coding of Soviet military maps and battle schemes

Abbreviations of units

upSouth-Western & Southern Fronts (Jan.-July)
# Title Area Unit subordination Date Lang. Source
SW4201 Operations of the South-Western Front Volchansk - Slavyansk area SWF;SF Jan 1.-May 11 Rus 2
Kharkov Operation
K4202 The opponents assets and plans prior to the operation. Tactical situation Kharkov area SWF May 11 Rus 12
K4203 Combat operations of the Northern Operative Group Kharkov area SWF May 12-14 Rus 12
K4204 Combat operations of the Southern Operative Group Kharkov area SWF May 12-16 Rus 12
K4205 Course of operations of the Soviet troops NEW Kharkov area SWF May 12-28 Rus 21
K4206 Combat operations of the Northern Operative Group Kharkov area SWF May 15-16 Rus 12
K4207 Combat operations of the Northern Operative Group Kharkov area SWF May 17 Rus 12
K4208 Starting of the German offensive Kharkov area SWF May 17-19 Rus 12
K4209 Combat operations of the Northern Operative Group Kharkov area SWF May 18-19 Rus 12
K4210 Combat operations of the Northern Operative Group Kharkov area SWF May 19-20 Rus 12
K4211 Combat operations of the Northern Operative Group Kharkov area SWF May 20-21 Rus 12
K4212 Combat operations of the Northern Operative Group. Surrounding of the Soviet troops Kharkov area SWF May 22-24 Rus 12
K4213 Combat operations of the Northern Operative Group. Annihilation of the Soviet troops Kharkov area SWF May 25-28 Rus 12
SW4202 Operations of the 38th Army between Severny Donets and Don rivers Don area SWF(SF) June 9-July 24 Rus 2
SW4203 Course of operations of the South-Western Front Verkhniy Mamon-Tatsinskaya area SWF Dec. 16-30 Rus ?
upVoronezh Front
# Title Area Unit subordination Date Lang. Source
VF4201 The course of combat operations by the 25th Guards Rifle Division to capture the Storozhevoye bridgehead (See article) Storozhevoye area 6A/VF Aug. 6- Sept. 15 Rus 9
VF4202 Combat operations of the 174th Rifle Division and 73rd Guards Rifle Regiment to the north of Korotoyak (See article) Korotoyak area


73GRR/25GRD/ 6A/VF

Aug. 7 - Sept 15 Rus 9


upThe Stalingrad Battle*
(The Don, Stalingrad, South-Western, South-Eastern, Southern Fronts)
# Title Area Unit subordination Date Lang. Source
S4201 Sides standing by night of June 27 and German High-command plans for "Blau" and "Klausevic" operations. South-Western Front. Don area SWF; SF June 27 Rus 1
S4202 Combat action at the big bend of Don. (Voronezh-Voroshilovgrad defensive operation) Don area BF;SWF;STF June 28 - July 23 Rus 1
S4203 Operations of the 1st Tank Army in Don bend Kalach area STF July - Aug. Rus 2
S4204 The 62nd Army's Commander decision on Stalingrad defense Don area STF ? Rus 16
S4205 Battle order of the 33rd Guards Rifle Division. ? (7 RA) 62A /STF July Rus 7
S4206 Defensive positions of the 62nd Army Don area 62 A/STF ~July 17 Rus 20
S4207 Artillery deployment of the 62nd Army and changing of it Don area 62 A/STF July 20 - Aug. 7 Rus 19
S4208 Operations in big bend of Don river Don area STF July 23-31 Rus 6
S4209 Situation before the battle on Volga Stalingrad area STF July 23-Aug 10 Rus 6
S4210 Defensive operations of the Soviet troops at the remote approaches of Stalingrad Stalingrad area STF; SEF July 23 - Aug 10 Rus 6
S4211 Defensive fights of the 64th Army Stalingrad vicinities STF July 25 - Sept 12 Rus 5
S4212 Parrying of enemy attacks from the south-west Stalingrad area STF; SEF July 30 - Aug 10 Rus 6
S4213 Anti-tank defense of the 112th Rifle Division along Don river Don area 64A/STF August Rus 7
S4214 Operations of the 1st Guards Army Malo-Kletskiy area SEF; STF August Rus 2
S4215 Operations of Anti-Tank Artillery in Ostrov vicinity Liska river 1 TA/STF(?) Aug RusEng 16
S4216 Counter-attack of the South-Eastern Front Abganerovo region SEF Aug. 5-6 RusEng 16
S4217 Organization of the artillery fire of the 64th Army Abganerovo region STF Aug.6-10 Rus 16
S4218 Situation on the Volga downstream area Stalingrad area STF; SEF Aug 8-10 Rus 6
S4219 Operations of the 1st Guards Army and 4th Tank Army Stalingrad area STF Aug 15-16 Rus 6
S4220 Defensive battle at the close approaches to Stalingrad Stalingrad area STF; SEF Aug 15 - Sept. 12 Rus 6
S4221 Operations of the 4th Tank and 62nd Armies at the outer defensive line Stalingrad area STF Aug 17-22 Rus 6
S4222 Offensive of the 63rd and 21st Armies Stalingrad area STF Aug. 20-28 Rus 6
S4223 Operations of the 4th Tank and 62nd Armies Stalingrad area STF Aug. 23 Rus 6
S4224 Counter-attacks of the left flank of the Stalingrad Front Stalingrad area STF Aug. 23-29 Rus 6
S4225 Operations of the 64th and 57th Armies in the southern sectors of the outer and medium Stalingrad defensive lines Stalingrad area SEF Aug. 23-29 Rus 6
S4226 Positions of the 15th Guards Rifle Division ? 57A/SEF Aug. 26 Rus 14
S4227 Operations of the 64th Army in the outer and medium Stalingrad defensive lines Stalingrad area SEF Aug. 29-31 Rus 6
S4228 Combat in the Northern and Central Stalingrad parts Stalingrad 62A/STF September RusEng 16
S4229 Operations of the 62nd and 64th Armies in the inner defensive line Stalingrad area SEF Sept. 3-12 Rus 6
S4230 Combat operations of the 308th Rifle Division (see article) North from Stalingrad 24A/STF Sept 10-25 Rus 10
S4231 Summary of combat operations in Stalingard Stalingrad area (SEF); STF Sept 12-Nov. 18 Rus 11
S4232 Defensive operations at Stalingrad and in its vicinity Stalingrad area SEF Sept. 13 - Oct. 8 Rus 6, 17
S4233 Artillery positions in the course of the Stalingrad defensive operation Stalingrad STF Sep. 13-Nov. 19 Rus 19
S4234 Combat in the Central and Southern parts of Stalingrad Stalingrad STF Sept. 14-19 RusEng 16
S4235 Night fight of the 13th Guards Rifle Division inside Stalingrad Stalingrad 62A/STF Sept 30-Oct 1 Rus 6
S4236 Combat operations of the 100th and 104th Separate Fougasse Flamethrower Companies Stalingrad Tractor plant region 114&118GRR/37 GRD/62A/STF October Rus 3
S4237 Night counter-attack by the reserves of the 34th Guards Rifle Regiment and 13th Guards Rifle Division Stalingrad 34GRR/13GRD/ 62A/STF Oct. 1 Rus 4
S4238 Situation on the Volga downstream area Stalingrad area DF Oct 1 Rus 6
S4239 Operations in Stalingrad area Stalingrad 62A/STF Oct 9 - Nov. 18 Rus 6, 17
S4240 Stalingrad counter-offensive plan Stalingrad area SWF; DF November Rus 6
S4241 Meeting engagement of the 4th Mechanised Corps Verkhne-Kumskoy area. Myshkova-river 57A/STF Nov 14 Rus 8
S4242 The Don river crossing by troops of the 65th Army NEW Don area 65 A/DF Nov. 18-25 Rus 22
S4243 Battle order of the 124th Rifle Division in the period of counter-offensive Stalingrad area 5 TA/SWF Nov. 19 Rus 7
S4244 Mission settings for the 47th Guards Rifle Division in the counter-offensive. Stalingrad area 5 TA/SWF Nov. 19 Rus 7
S4245 Re-subordinating of artillery and cooperation of artillery and infantry in offensive of the 293rd Rifle Division Kletskaya area 21 A/SWF Nov. 19 Rus 7
S4246 Decision of the 21st Army commander on offensive Don area 21 A/SWF Nov. 19 Rus 18
S4247 Decision of the 76th & 293rd RDs commanders on offensive Don area 21 A/SWF Nov. 19 Rus 18
S4248 Deployment of artillery of the 5th Tank Army Don area 5 TA/SWF Nov. 19 Rus 19
S4249 Course of operations of the 76th & 293rd Rifle Divisions Don area 21A/SWF Nov. 19-20 Rus 18
S4250 Operations of the 63rd Rifle Division in Raspopinskaya settlement area Don area 21A/SWF Nov. 19-23 Rus 13
S4251 Combat operations of the South-Western, Don and Stalingrad Fronts Stalingrad area SWF; DF; STF Nov. 19-30 Rus 6
S4252 Frontal attacks of the 117th and 159th Tank Brigades Stalingrad area 1 TC/5TA/SWF Nov. 20 Rus 4
S4253 Lines of cooperation for the 422nd Rifle Division in offensive. Stalingrad area


Nov. 20 Rus 7
S4254 Situation on the Volga downstream area Stalingrad area SWF; DF; STF early December Rus 6
S4255 The plan of "Saturn" operation of the South-Western Front Stalingrad area SWF Dec. Rus 6
S4256 Defensive operations of the 51st Army SW from Stalingrad STF Dec 12-23 Rus 16
S4257 Operations of the 13th Tank Corps against attacking Kotelnikovo group of German troops NEW Aksay area 13 TC/51A/SF Dec. 12-26 Rus 23
S4258 Operations of the 1378th Rifle Regiment in the vicinity of Verkhne-Kumskiy settlement Verkhne-Kumskiy area 87RD/STF Dec 16-18 Rus 16
S4259 Crushing defeat of the German forces at the medium Don area Stalingrad area SWF Dec. 16-31 Rus 6
S4260 Operations of the 1378th Rifle Regiment in the vicinity of Verkhne-Kumskiy settlement Verkhne-Kumskiy area 87RD/STF Dec 19 Rus 16
S4261 Crushing defeat of the retreating enemy by the 17th Guards Separate Tank Regiment Chir river area. South to Veshenskaya 1 GMC/1GA/SWF Dec 20 Rus 4
S4262 Defensive operations of the 51st and 2nd Guards Armies Stalingrad area STF Dec. 24-31 Rus 6
S4263 Offensive of the Stalingrad Front Stalingrad area STF Dec 24-31 Rus 6
S4264 Operations of the 6th Mechanised Corps (since Jan.19'43 - 5th Gds. Mechanised Corps) SW from Stalingrad 2GA/(STF) SF Dec. 29'42 - Feb 6'43 Rus 15

Check also Stalingrad maps for 1943.

* Remarks.

In the table there can be some confuses in exact subordination of units on this or that time period, due to different changes in names of the fronts. Exactly:


A - Army

BF - Bryansk Front

DF - Don Front

GA - Guards Army

GMC -Guards Mechanised Corps

GRD - Guards Rifle Division

GRR - Guards Rifle Regiment

RA - Reserve Army

RD - Rifle Division

SEF - South-Eastern Front

SF - Southern Front

STF - Stalingrad Front

SWF - South-Western Front

TA - Tank Army

TC - Tank Corps

VF - Voronezh Front

  1. M. Kolomiets, A. Smirnov "Boi v izluchine Dona 28 Iyunya - 23 Iyulya 1942 goda", Frontovaya Illyustratsia, 2002, No 6.
  2. Moskalenko K.S., "Na Yugo-Zapadnom Napravlenii", vol. 1, Moskva, Nauka, 1969 (cited from
  4. "Taktika v boevykh primerakh. Polk", Voyennoe izdatelstvo Ministerstva Oborony SSSR, Moskva, 1974. (cited from
  5. Voyenno-Istoricheskiy zhurnal, No. 7/1982(?)
  7. Razvitie taktiki Sovetskoi armii v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny (1941-1945 gg.)/Ed. Lt.-Gen. K.S. Kolganov, Voyennoe Izdatelstvo Ministerstva Oborony Soyuza SSR, Moskva, 1958 (cited from
  8. "Taktika v boevykh primerakh. Divizia", Voyennoe izdatelstvo Ministerstva Oborony SSSR, Moskva, 1976. (cited from
  9. VOYENNO-ISTORICHESKIY ZHURNAL (Military History Journal) in Russian No 8, Aug 82 (signed to press 26 July 82) pp 32-39 (cited from
  10. VOYENNO-ISTORICHESKIY ZHURNAL (Military History Journal) in Russian No 8, Aug 82 (signed to press 26 July 82) pp 40-48 (cited from
  12. A. Galushko, M. Kolomiets. "Boi za Kharkov v Mae 1942 goda", Frontovaya Illyustratsia/Frontline Illustration, 6/2000 (2nd ed.)
  13. G.G. Pantyukhov, "Lyudi odnoy divizii", Voyennoye Izdatelstvo MO, 1977
  14. S.S. Arutyunian. "Pod znamenem gvardii", Yerevan, Ajastan, 1982
  15. A.P. Ryazanskiy, "V Ogne Tankovykh Srazheniy", Moskva, "Nauka", 1975
  17. Samsonov A.M., "Stalingradskaya Bitva", 4th Ed., Moskva, Nauka, 1989
  18. Proryv podgotovlennoy oborony strelkovymi soyedinaniyami, Moskva, Voyenizdat, 1957 (cited from
  19. Sovetskaja Artilleryija v Velikoy Otechestvennoy vojne 1941-1945 godov, Moskva, Voyennoye Izdatel'stvo Ministerstva Oborony SSSR, 1960
  20. Istoriya Vojn i voyennogo iskusstva, Voyennoye Izdatel'stvo Ministerstva Oborony SSSR, Moskva, 1970
  21. V.I. Semidetko, Kharkovskaya Katastropha Maya 1942 goda, Mir Istorii, 1, 2008
  22. Batov P.I., "Forsirovaniye Rek, 1942-1945. (Iz opyta 65-j armii), Moskva, Voyenizdat, 1986 (cited from
  23. V.F. Tolubko, N.I. Baryshev, "Na Yuzhnom flange. Boyevoj put' 4-go Gvardejskogo mechanizirovannogo korpusa (1942-1945)", Moskva, Nauka, 1973. (cited from
