Maps 1941

(South-Western Direction)

UpdatedSeptember 15, 2009

Typical Soviet Abbreviations

Some typical coding of Soviet military maps and battle schemes

Abbreviations of units

South-Western Front
# Title Area Unit subordination Date Lang. Source

Planned Missions of the 5th Army in tactic zone according to the plan of protecting the state frontier

Western Ukraine KSMD Day X RusEng 1
Planned Missions of the 5th Army in tactic zone according to the plan of protecting the state frontier Rus
SW4102 The opponents assets at the commencement of the operations. Kiev Special Military District Western Ukraine KSMD June 22 Rus 1
SW4103 The opponents assets at the commencement of the operations. Kiev Special Military District Western Ukraine KSMD June 22 Rus 14
SW4104 The opponents assets at the commencement of the operations in front of the 5th Soviet Army Western Ukraine SWF June 22 RusEng 7
The opponents assets at the commencement of the operations in front of the 5th Soviet Army June 22 Rus 1
SW4105 Deployment of rears of the 5th Army Western Ukraine SWF June 22 Rus 1
SW4106 Operations of the 5th Army Western Ukraine SWF June 22-23 Rus 1
SW4107 Operations of the 5th Army in the state frontier zone Western Ukraine SWF June 22 - 30 Rus 3
SW4108 Operations of the 5th Army in the state frontier zone Western Ukraine SWF June 22 - 30 Rus 4
SW4109 Course of operations of the 5th Army in the state frontier zone Western Ukraine SWF June 22 - 28 Rus 3
SW4110 Course of operations on the South-Western Front Western Ukraine SWF June 22- July-9 Rus 14
SW4111 Positions of the 45th Rifle Division and 98th Border Guards Detachment Luboml' 15RC/5A/SWF June 23-24 Rus 13
SW4112 Counter-attacks of the South-Western Front Western Ukraine SWF June 23-28 Rus 1
SW4113 The battle in Brody-Dubno region. Brody - Dubno SWF June 24-30 Rus 6
SW4114 The counter-attack of the 8th Mechanised Corps Brody - Dubno SWF June 26-28 Rus 3
SW4115 Meeting engagement of the 8th Mechanised Corps Brody - Dubno SWF June 26-28 Rus 7
SW4116 The second counter-offensive of the 5th Army and its followed retreat Western Ukraine SWF June 30- July 1 Rus 1
SW4117 Operational scheme of T-35 tanks assigned to the 34th Tank Division Western Ukraine 8th MC/SWF June-July Rus 2
SW4118 Course of operations of the South-Western Front Western Ukraine SWF July 7-14 Rus 8
SW4119 Counter-offensive of the 5th Army Novograd-Volynsky area SWF July 10-14 Rus 1
SW4120 Kiev defense Kiev SWF July 11- Sept. 19 Rus 11
SW4121 Kiev defense Kiev SWF July 11- Sept. 19 Rus 12
SW4122 Combat operations of the Southern and South-Western Fronts in the course of Uman surrounding Ukraine SF; SWF July 14-Aug. 11 Rus 8

The battle in Kiev vicinity

(Partly translated. Sorry for its bad quality. The map is too compact to translate all geographical names.)

Kiev SWF July 15- Aug. 19 RusEng 1
The battle in Kiev vicinity Rus

Battle order of the 187th Rifle Regiment in meeting engagement.

Rem. AMVAS. In original incorrectly named "87th RR"

North from Fastov 72 MRD/ /26A/SWF July 18 Rus 5
SW4125 Combat operations of the Soviet and German troops Kiev SWF July 31-Sept.26 Rus 10
SW4126 Counter-attack of the 5th Army Malin area SWF Aug 5-8 Rus 1
SW4127 Decision on the retreat of the 5th Army North from Kiev SWF Aug 25 - Sep 10 Rus 1
SW4128 Operations of the 5th Army between Dniepr, Snov, Desna rivers North from Kiev SWF Aug 25 - Sep 10 Rus 1
SW4129 The battle for Kiev. Combat operations Kiev area SWF Sept. 1-10 Rus 9

Konotop defense. Decision of the 5th Airborne Brigade's commander

(bad quality)

Konotop 3 AbnC/SWF Sept. 4 Rus 7
SW4131 The battle for Kiev. Combat operations Kiev area SWF Sept. 11-15 Rus 9
SW4132 The battle for Kiev. Combat operations Kiev area SWF Sept. 16-26 Rus 10
SW4133 Plan for the defense of KharkovNEW Kharkov SWF Oct. Rus 15
SW4134 Course of defensive operations in Kharkov regionNEW Kharkov region SWF Oct. 6-Nov. 8 Rus 15
SW4135 Kharkov defense NEW Kharkov SWF Oct. 23-24 Rus 15


AbnC - Airborne Corps

KSMD - Kiev Special Military District

MC - Mechanised Corps

MRD - Mountain Rifle Division

RC - Rifle Corps

SF - Southern Front

SWF - South-Western Front

  1. Vladimirsky A.V. "Na Kievskom Napravlenii", M. Voenizdat, 1989 (cited from
  2. M. Kolomiets, I. Moshchansky, "Mnogobashennye Tanki RKKA. T-35, SMK, T-100", Frontovaya Illyustratsia, 2000, No 5.
  3. I. Moshchansky. "Operatsiya "Barbarossa". Tankovoye srazheniye na zapadnoy Ukraine. 22 Ijunya - 7 Ijulya 1941 goda". Voennaya Letopis'. Bronetankovyi muzey serie No.3
  4. Moskalenko K.S., "Na Yugo-Zapadnom Napravlenii", vol. 1, Moscow, Nauka, 1969 (cited from
  5. "Taktika v boevykh primerakh. Polk", Voyennoe izdatelstvo Ministerstva Oborony SSSR, Moscow, 1974. (cited from
  6. N. K. Popel "Tanki povernuli na zapad", Moscow, AST, 2001.
  8. T. Abashidze,. I.Moshchansky, "Tragedia pod Umanju . Kievsjaya strategicheskaya oboronitelnaya operatsia. 7 Ijulia-26 Sentiabrya 1941 goda. Chast'. 1 ". Moscow, Voyennaya Letopis/Military Chronicle, 2/2003
  9. T. Abashidze,. I.Moshchansky, "Okruzheniye Yugo-Zapadnogo Fronta. Kievsjaya strategicheskaya oboronitelnaya operatsia. 7 Ijulia-26 Sentiabrya 1941 goda. Chast'. 2". Moscow, Voyennaya Letopis/Military Chronicle, 4/2003
  10. T. Abashidze,. I.Moshchansky, "Katastropha pod Kievom .Kievsjaya strategicheskaya oboronitelnaya operatsia. 7 Ijulia-26 Sentiabrya 1941 goda. Chast'. 3 ". Moscow, Voyennaya Letopis/Military Chronicle, 6/2003
  12. unknown book. cited from
  14. N.K. Popel, "V tyazhkuyu poru", Moscow-St. Petersburg, Terra fantastica, 2001
  15. V.K. Vokhmyanin, A.I. Podoprigora, "Kharkov, 1941-j. Chast' 2. Gorod v ogne", Kharkov v vojne, Kharkov, 2009
