Maps 1938-40

UpdatedApril 24, 2006

Typical Soviet Abbreviations

Some typical coding of Soviet military maps and battle schemes

Abbreviations of units

upKhasan Lake Incident 1938
# Map Date Language Size, Kb Source
K3801 Khasan lake operations July 29,1938 - Aug 11 Rus - RKKA.RU
K3802 Operations of border guards July 29-31 Rus 276 6
K3803 Khasan lake operations July 29,1938 - Aug 11 Rus 165 5
K3804 Deployment of the Soviet troops July 31 Rus 198 3
K3805 Deployment of the Soviet artillery Aug. 05 Rus 221 3

upKhalkhin-Gol (Nomonhan incident)
# Map Date Language Size, Kb Source
K3901 Deployment of the troops of 57th Special Corps and Japan forces May Rus 310 1
K3902 Khalkhin-Gol operations May 28-29 RusEng 225 1
K3903 Khalkhin-Gol operations May 28-29 Rus 116 5
K3904 Khalkhin-Gol operations May 28-29 Rus 176 7
K3905 Artillery deployment May 28-30 Rus 177 3
K3906 Khalkhin-Gol operations July 2-3 RusEng 194 1
K3907 Fights for the Bain-Tsagan mountain July 2-3 Rus 172 7
K3908 Khalkhin-Gol operations July 2-5 Rus 118 5
K3909 Khalkhin-Gol operations July 3 RusEng 194 1
K3910 Decision of the 1st Army Group commander for attack August Rus 206 7
K3911 Khalkhin-Gol operations August 20-22 RusEng 241 1
K3912 Khalkhin-Gol operations August 23-25 RusEng 231 1
K3913 Khalkhin-Gol operations August 26-31 RusEng 139 1
K3914 Operations of the Soviet troops August 20 Rus 193 3
K3915 Course of the Khalkhin-Gol operation August 20-31 Rus 865 5
K3916 Course of the Khalkhin-Gol operation August 20-31 Rus 197 7
K3917 Operations of the Soviet troops August 21-22 Rus 177 3
K3918 Operations of the Soviet border-guards August 21-31 Rus 282 6
K3919 Operations of the Soviet troops August 23-25 Rus 210 3
upThe Winter War 1939-40
# Map Date Language Size, Kb Source
F3901 The scheme of the T-100 and "SMK" tanks' operations vic. Summa. Winter War. The 20th Tank Brigade/138th Rifle Division Dec. 18-19 1939 Rus 196 2

Honkaniemi tank fight scheme

  1. Company commanders' tank actions of the 35th Tank Brigade;
  2. Actions of Finnish tankers;
  3. Positions of Soviet infantry;
  4. Positions of finnish infantry
Feb. 26, 1940 Rus 115 4

  1. M. Kolomiets. "Boi u reki Khalhin-Gol" Frontovaya Illyustratsia,  2002 No.2
  2. M. Kolomiets, I. Moshchansky, "Mnogobashennye Tanki RKKA. T-35, SMK, T-100", Frontovaya Illyustratsia, 2000, No 5.
  3. Shirokorad A.B. "Russko-Yaponskiye Voiny 1904-1945", Minsk, Kharvest, 2003
  4. M. Kolomiets. "Tanki v Zimnei Voine 1939-40", Frontovaya Illyustratsia, 3/2001
  5. M.V. Zakharov. "Generalnyi shtab v predvoyennye gody", Moscow, "AST", 2005
  6. Na strazhe granits otechestva. Pogranichnye vojska Rossii v vojnakh i vooruzhennykh konfliktakh XX veka. vol.3 -, Moscow, "Granitsa", 2000
  7. S.N.Shishkin "Boyevye Dejstviya Krasnoy Armii u reki Khalkhin-Gol v 1939 g", Voyennoye Izdatelstvo Narodnogo Komissariata Oborony, Moscow, 1946
