

updatedDecember 27, 2006

Т-40 tank in winter colors.

Т-40 tank in winter colors. Western Front, Yukhnov town, unknown tank unit. March 1942.

T-40 in winter colors. western Front, winter, 1942[4]
Т-40 tank Т-40 tank «For Stalin». Western Front, Mozhajsk town unknown tank unit. January 1942.[1]
Т-40 tank with tactical symbol (black triangle and line)

Т-40 tank with tactical symbol (black triangle and line). Western Front, unknown tank unit. Spring 1942.

T-40 [3]


T-30 T-30 light tank knocked-out on the Karelian Isthmus. Leningrad Front, autumn 1941 [2]
T-30 [3]

  1. M. Kolomiets. "Tanki-amfibii T-37, T-38, T-40", Frontovaya Illustratsiya/Frontline Illustration, 3/2003, Moscow
  2. I. Moshchanskiy, D. Sakhonchik. "Blokada Leningrada. Kontrnastupleniye pod Tikhvinom 10 Noyabria-30 Dekabria 1941 goda" , Voyennaya Letopis' /Military Chronicle, 2/2004
  3. "Tankovye Vojska RKKA vo Vtoroy Mirovoy Vojne. Serijnye Mashiny 1930-45 gg. Chast I. Lyogkiye tanki", Tankomaster, special issue 3-4/2006, Moscow
  4. "Tanki Vtoroy mirovoy voiny. Krasnaya Armyia " (Album) Moscow, Technika-Molodezhi, 2000
