

UpdatedMay 9, 2007

T-28 with KT-28 gun

T-28 with L-10 gun


T-28 with conical turret

T-28 details

T-28 in Museums

T-28 "Kirov", Moscow, May 1, 1935 [1]
T-28 "Marshal Voroshilov", Leningrad, May 1, 1936 [1]
T-28 "Stalin", Moscow, Nov. 7, 1938 [1]
T-28 of the 10th Heavy Tank Brigade, Lvov area, Sept. 1939 [7]
T-28 of the 21st Heavy Tank Brigade, Mir, Sept, 1939 [9]

T-28 of the 21st Heavy Tank Brigade, Mir, Sept, 1939 [8]

Rem. AMVAS Probably the photo from above could be used for this reconstruction

T-28 from the 15th Tank Division/16th Mechanised Corps. South-Western Front, Ukraine, July 1941 [5]


Rem. AMVAS: Check also T-28 with similar marking

T-28 of unknown unit. South-Western Front, July 1941 [1]
Another reconstruction of the same tank [5]
T-28 Mod. 1936 from the 10th Tank Division/15th Mechanised Corps. South-Western Front, July 1941 [5]
T-28 tank of the 5th Tank Division/3rd Mechanised Corps/North-Western Front, June 1941 [1]

Burning T-28 Mod. 1936. The tank has old pre-war marking - white continious and broken lines meaning 2nd Company/2nd Battalion of a tank regiment.

The 5th Tank Division/3rd Mechanised Corps. North-Western Front, June 1941 [6]

T-28 from the 105th District Armored Depot, Minsk area, June 1941. After the war has begun several T-28 were repared and thrown into fights [2]

T-28s of the 8th Mechanised Corps. On the foreground vehicle with tactical sign "3323". On the background - vehicle "2023", South-Western Front, early August, 1941 [4]

Rem. AMVAS: At the same time T-28 with similar sign in [1] was was assigned to the Western Front. It's more believable, as the 8th Mechcorps was disbanded in July.

Tank on the foreground likely is equipped with L-10 gun, taking into acocunt its shape of radiator louver, which is natural for the tanks of years 1937-40 production.

T-28 from the 8th Mechanised Corps. South-Westren Front, late July 1941 [3]

Rem. AMVAS: At the same time T-28 with similar sign in [1] was assigned to the Western Front. It's more believable, as the 8th Mechcorps was disbanded in July.

Reconstruction might be incorrect, as this vehicle can be equipped with L-10 gun. Check other reconstructions of this tank.

T-28 Mod. 1936 from the 10th Tank Division/15th Mechanised Corps. South-Western Front, Ukraine, June 1941 [5]

T-28 of the 150th Tank Brigade/3rd Army, Jan. 1942 [7]

Rem. AMVAS: In original there was an error in assigning this army to the Leningrad Front. In reality both army and this brigade were assigned to the Bryansk Front

T-28 1933-34 year production of the 21st Heavy Tank Brigade, Byelorussian Front, Sept. 1939 [8]
T-28 1935-36 yars production, 10th Heavy Tank Brigade, Ukrainian Front, September 1939 [8]
T-28 1937 year production, 5th Tank Division/3rd Mechanised Corp, Alitus area, Lithuania, summer 1941 [8]

  1. M. Kolomiets. "Mnogobashennye tanki RKKA. T-28, T-29", Frontline Illustration/Frontovaya Illyustratsiya, 4/2000, Moscow.
  2. A. Smirnov, A. Surkov, "1941: Boi v Belorussii", Frontovaya Illyustratsia/Frontline Illustration, 2/2003, Moscow
  3. T. Abashidze,. I.Moshchansky, "Tragedia pod Umanju . Kievsjaya strategicheskaya oboronitelnaya operatsia. 7 Ijulia-26 Sentiabrya 1941 goda. Chast'. 1 ". Moscow, Voyennaya Letopis/Military Chronicle, 2/2003
  4. T. Abashidze, I. Moschansky, "Okruzhenie Yugo-Zapadnogo Fronta. Kievskaya strategicheskaya oboronitelnaya operatsiya. 7 Iyulia - 26 Sentiabrya 1941 goda. Part 2", Voennaya Letopis No. 4, 2003
  5. I. Moshchanskiy, "Operatsiya Barbarossa. Tankovoye Srazheniye na Zapadnoy Ukraine. 22 Iyunia - 7 Iyulia 1941 goda", Voyennaya Letopis/Military Chronicle, Bronetankovyi Muzei No. 3, Moscow, 2002
  6. I. Moshchanskiy, "Oborona Pribaltiki 22 Iyunia - 9 Iyulia 1941 goda", Voyennaya Letopis/Military Chronicle, Armii Mira No. 1, Moscow, 2002
  7. M. Kolomyjec, I. Moszczanski, "T-28, T-29", Militaria, #160, Warszawa, 2002
  8. "Tankovye Vojska RKKA vo Vtoroy Mirovoy Vojne. Serijnye Mashiny. Chast II. Sredniye i Ognemyotnyje tanki ", Tankomaster, special issue 7-8/2006, Moscow
  9. J. Magnuski, M. Kolomijec, Czerwony Blitzkrieg", Warszawa, 1994
