T-26 Flame Thrower

(T-26 Equipped with TDP Equipment)

Updated February 25, 2007

Serial T-26 equipped with Tank Chemical Devices TKhP-3

Serial T-26 equipped with Tank Chemical Apparatuses TKhP-3 (later re-designated TDP-3 appartus) for generation of smoke and providing "flame screens". By 1936 year 1,503 such apparatuses were produced [1]

Refueling of TDP-3 device with components of smoke-forming mixture. NIIBT testing area, 1933 [3]
T-26 with TDP device [2]

  1. Legkiy tank T-26, Bronekollektsia, spetsialnyi vypusk No. 2
  2. "Tankovye Vojska RKKA vo Vtoroy Mirovoy Vojne. Serijnye Mashiny 1930-45 gg. Chast I. Lyogkiye tanki", Tankomaster, special issue 3-4/2006, Moscow
  3. M. Kolomiets, M. Svirin, "T-26. Mashiny na ego baze", Moscow, Frontovaya Illustratsiya/Frontline Illustration, 4/2003
