OT-130 of the 210th Separate Chemical Tank Battalion in action. Finland, 1940 [1,2]
OT-130 flame thrower tank [3]
OT-130 blueprints [1]
OT-130 Mod. 1938 [4]
Last remaining OT-130 on display at Borzya, Chita region home of military unit No. 05776 . Note that the unit has tracks and driving-wheels from a British "Stuart" tank and that one of the centre suspension members is missing. [1]
OT-130 from the 210th Separate Chemical Battalion/7th Army. Karelian Isthmus, Feb. 1940 [4]
OT-130 of the Finnish Separate Tank Battalion. Spring 1940 [4]
OT-130 organic to on of the units of the Western Special Military District. June 1941 [4]
Legkiy tank T-26, Bronekollektsia, spetsialnyi vypusk No. 2
M. Kolomiets. "Tanki v Zimnei Voine 1939-40", Frontovaya Illyustratsia, 3/2001