AMVAS: there existed two modification of KV-2 tank. In different sources I have met pair of their names either KV-2 Mod. 1939, KV-2 Mod. 1940, or KV-2 Mod. 1940 and KV-2 Mod. 1941.
On my site I use KV-2 Mod. 1940 and KV-2 Mod. 1941 names of those modifications.
KV-2 Mod. 1940, 2nd Tank Division/3rd Mechanised Corps, Baltic area, July 1941 [2]
KV-2 tank. This image is
similar to KV U-3 vehicle which had so called "aviation-type"
wings (fenders). [1]
"Tanki mira",
Moscow, Rusich, 2001
"Tankovye Vojska RKKA vo Vtoroy Mirovoy Vojne. Serijnye Mashiny 1930-45 gg. Chast III.Tyazhelyje tanki", Tankomaster, special issue 2/2007, Moscow