15th Mechanised Corps

Updated September 29, 2006

As different sources gives different data, I made several tables

Later I hope to give structure of this Mechanised Corps. Now only brief info is available here

upStrength of the 15th Mechanised Corps on June 22'41 [1]
  KV T-34 T-28 BT T-26 Fl. T-37/38/40 Total
10th TD 63 38 51 181 27 8 - 368
37th TD 1 34 - 258 22 1 - 316
212th MD - - - 32 5 - 17 54
Total* 64 72 51 471 54 9 17 738

* - Row "Total" formed by AMVAS

...continuation NEW

  76mm guns 37mm AA guns 152mm how. 122mm how. Total* Automobiles Tractors Motorcycles
10th TD 4 4 12 12 32 962 ? ?
37th TD 4 4 4 7 19 ? ? ?
212th MD 8 4 4 16 32 ? ? ?
Total* 16 12 20 35 83 962+? ? ?

* - Row "Total" formed by AMVAS

upStrength of the 15th Mechanised Corps on June 22'41 [2,3,4]
  KV T-34 T-28 BT-7 T-26 Fl. Total* BA-10 BA-20
10th TD*1 63(63) 38 (37) 51 (44) 181 (147) 27 (19) 8 368(318?) (53) (19)
37th TD 1(1) 34 (32) 0 258 (239) 22 (13) 1 316(286?) (35) (10)
212th MD 0 0 0 (32) (5) 0   (18) (17)
Total   72         733-749    


In brackets - moved out from yards by battle alarm in fact.

* - Row "Total" formed by AMVAS


*1 - The 1st TBn had 31 KVs 5 BTs and 2 armored cars. The 2nd TBn totally equipped with T-34s. The 3rd TBn equipped with BT tanks


upStrength of the 15th Mechanised Corps on June 22'41 [8] NEW
  KV T-34 T-28 BT-7 T-26 T-40 Total* BA-10 BA-20
10th TD 63 37 44 147 27 - 318 53 19
37th TD 1 32 - 239 13 - 285 35 10
212th MD - - - 32 5 17*1 54 18 17
Total*2 64 69 44 418 45 17 657 106 46

* - Row "Total" formed by AMVAS

*1 - added in the table by AMVAS from the part of text about the 131st Tank Regiment/212th MD.

*2 - rem AMVAS: inculdes only mentioned units.


"(37th Howitzer) Artillery Regiment/37th Tank Division: 12 - 122mm guns (without panoramic sights), 4 - 152mm guns, 5 tractors.

(655th) Artillery Regiment/212nd MD: 8 - 76mm guns, 16 - 122mm guns, 4 - 152mm guns. Traction vehicles were enough only for one battalion without rears.

The (25th) Motorcycle Regiment: 5 armored cars, 74 motorcycles, 5 - 45mm guns, 1039 rifles, 4 machine-guns"


up15th Mechanised Corps on June 22'41 [5]
  KV T-34 T-28 BT T-26 T-37/38/40 Total* BA**
Total 64 72 51 471 58 17 733 177

* - Row "Total" formed by AMVAS

** - Armored Cars

upStrength of the 15th Mechanised Corps on June 26 [8]
Unit Type Numbers
10th TD KV 10
T-34 5
T-28 4
BT-7 20
Total* 39
37th TD T-34 29
BT-7 185
T-26 7
Total* 221
8th TD*1 Total 65
Total 325
10th TD Regimental*2 3
122mm 10
152mm 12
Total* 25
37th TD Regimental*2 4
122mm 3
152mm 4
Total* 10
Total 36
10th MRR up to 1.5 battalions
37th MRR up to 2.5 battalions

* - Row "Total" formed by AMVAS

*1 - United tank regiment of the 8th TD.

*2 - rem. AMVAS: most likely 76mm

Losses of the 10th Tank Division by Aug. 1'41 [1] NEW
Losses Types of AFVs Total
KV T-34 T-28 BT-7 T-26 BA
Destroyed & burnt on battlefield 11 20 4 53 7 13 108
Damaged in missions and abandoned on enemy territory - 1 4 2 2 4 13
Didn't return from battlefield (together with crews) 11 3 - 3 3 7 27
Burnt after aviation attacks - - - 1 - 4 5
Left together with crews on enemy territory because of breakages, or lack in fuels and lubricants 2 - 6 1 - - 9
Left on enemy territory because of lack in fuels and lubricants - - 4 2 - - 6
Missed together with crews - - 3 - - - 3
Destroyed on assembly points because impossibility of evacuation 7 1 6 - - 6 20
Abandoned because of different breakages while retreat. Impossible to repair, or to evacuate 22 6 15 28 10 14 95
Got stuck without possibility to take out and evacuate 3 1 2 10 2 3 21
Total 56 32 44 100 24 51 307

upStrength of the 15th Mechinised Corps on June 22 and Losses by Aug. 1,1941 [5,6] NEW
  KV T-34 T-28 BT T-26 T-37/40 Total* BA Tr. Sp.
Available on June 22'41 64 72 51 471 58 17 733 177 1919 549
Under repair in workshops and plants - - - - - - - - ? ?
Left in winter quarters - 1 7 34 3 - 45 20 ? ?
Lost touch or missed 5 19 6 183 17 - 230 56 ? ?
Transferred to other units - 2 - 21 - - 23 7 ? ?
Irreparable losses 52 45 38 203 30 17 385 59 ? ?
Available on Aug. 1'41 - 3 - 10 2 - 15 35 431 265

* - Row "Total" formed by AMVAS

Rem. AMVAS: This data in original document are called preliminary and numbers of losses are given only for confirmed ones.


upStrength of the 15th Mechanised Corps on June 22'41 and Aug. 1'41 [5] NEW
  Vehicles Manpower
  Transport Special cars Commanders Junionr commanders Soldiers Total
Numbers on June 22 1919 549 3424 7059 23452 33935
Numbers on Aug. 1 431 265 1913 1447 7250 10610

Strength of the 15th Mechanised Corps on July 6, 1941 [8]*1 NEW
Unit Type Numbers
10th TD KV 2
T-34 3
T-28 1
BT 12
T-26 2
Total* 20
Armored cars 21
37th TD T-34 2
BT 8
Total* 10
Armored cars 5
212th MD Armored cars 1

* - Row "Total" formed by AMVAS

*1 - arrived to joint place on 11:00 July 6

upStrength of the 15th Mechanised Corps on July 8, 1941 [7] NEW
Type Numbers
T-34 1
BT-7 9
Total tanks 10
Armored Cars 10
Passenger Cars 25
GAZ trucks 400
ZIS trucks 237
Tractors 28
Wheeled and auxiliary vehicles total 690


Strength of the 15th Mechanised Corps on July 12, 1941 [9] NEW
Unit Type Numbers
10th TD Commanders 756
Junior commanders & soldiers 3894
Total manpower* 4650
BT tanks 6*1
Armored cars 17
Wheeled vehicles 545
Tractors 17
45 mm guns 21
37mm antiaircraft guns 4
122mm howitzers 4
37th TD Commanders 409
Junior commanders & soldiers 1612
Total manpower* 2021
BT tanks 2
T-34 1
Armored cars 10
Wheeled vehicles 144
45 mm guns 12
37mm antiaircraft guns 2
76mm guns 1
212th MD Total manpower 745
Armored cars 2
Wheeled vehicles 16
37mm guns 1
45 mm guns 2
122mm howitzers 1

* - Row "Total" formed by AMVAS

*1 - all need mid-life repair;


upStrength of the 15th Mechanised Corps on July 15, 1941 [10] NEW
Unit Manpower Tanks Guns Auto Transport
10th TD 342 6 - 30
37th TD - - - -
212th MD - - - -

Rem. AMVAS: Data in report can be incomplete.


BA - Armored Cars

Fl. - Flame thrower

HQ - Headquarters

MD - Motorised Division

MRR - Motorised Rifle Regiment

TD - Tank Division

TBn - Tank Battalion

  1. A. Isaev, "1941. Boi na Ukraine", Frontovaja Illyustratsia, 4/2004
  2. http://mechcorps.rkka.ru
  3. Doklad o boevoi deyatelnosti 10-j tankovoj divizii na fronte bor'by s germanskim fascizmom za period c 22.6 po 1.8.41 (cited after http://mechcorps.rkka.ru )
  4. Doklad lomandira 37-j tankovoi divizii nachal'niku avtobronetankovogo upravlenija Yugo-Zapadnogo fronta o boyevykh deistviyakh divizii v period s 22 ijunia po 10 Ijulia 1941 g. i ee sostoyanie na 15 Iyulia 1941 g. (cited after http://mechcorps.rkka.ru )
  5. Vedomost o Boevom i chislennom sostave Abtvoisk na 22 Ijyunia 1941 goda (cited from photocopy in T. Abashidze, I. Moschansky, "Kievskaya Strategicheskaya Oboronitelnaya operatsia. Part I. Tragedia pod Umanju" , 2003)
  6. TsAMO f.38.op.11360,d.2 (cited after http://mechcorps.rkka.ru )
  7. Spravka Nachal'nika Avtobronetankovogo upravleniya Yugo-Zapadnogo Fronta Komanduyushchimi Vojskami fronta o sostoyanii Avtobronetankovykh vojsk na 17 Iyulia 1941 goda.//Sbornik boyevykh dokumentov vol. 36, Moscow, Voyennoye Izdatelstvo Ministerstva Oborony, 1958
  8. Doklad Komandira 15-go Mekhanizirovannogo Korpusa Nachal'niku glavnogo Avtobronetankovogo Upravleniya Krasnoi Armii o boyevykh Dejstviyakh Korpusa s 22 Iyunia po 12 Iyulia 1941 goda//Sbornik boyevykh dokumentov vol. 36, Moscow, Voyennoye Izdatelstvo Ministerstva Oborony, 1958
  9. E. Drig, "Mekhanizirovannye korpusa RKKA v boyu", AST, Moscow, 2005
  10. Svedeniya Shtaba Yugo-Zapadnogo Fronta o boyevom i Chislennom Sostave Soyedineniy i Otdelnykh Chastey Fronta po sostoyaniyu na 15 Iyulia 1941 goda//Sbornik boyevykh dokumentov vol. 38, Moscow, Voyennoye Izdatelstvo Ministerstva Oborony, 1959
