United Losses Report of the 5th Guards Tank Army

for July 12

UpdatedJanuary 16, 2008


Unit Manpower Armored Fighting Vehicles
Total KIA&MIA Operable on July 12 Took part in fights
18th TC 471 271 183 149
110th TBde 28 11 45 38 (43)?
170th TBde 49 28 39 39
181st TBde 99 65 44 44
32nd MRBde 219 147 - -
36th SGBHTR 25 7 19 19
29th TC*1 1991 1033 215 199
25th TBde 320 140 73 69
31st TBde*2 101 62 71 67
32nd TBde*3 230 100 64 63
53rd MRBde 1089 517 - -
1446th SPGR 41 24 (20) (20)
2nd TC 124 36 59 52
26th TBde - - 14 14
99th TBde - - 24 20
169th TBde 79 36 18 18
58th MRBde 45*5 - - -
15th SGBHTR - - 3 -
2nd GTC 550 145 140 138
4th GTBde 85 34 47 47
25th GTBde 136 61 47 47
26th GTBde 40 8 44 44
4th GMRBde 272 68 - -
47th GBHTR - - 2 -
5th GMC*4 405 ? 158 66
10th GMBde - - 44 -
11th GMBde
(54th GTR)*6
354 ? 31 31
12th GMBde
(55th GTR)
51*5 ? 35 35
24th GTBde - - 48 -
1447th SPGR - - (11) (10)
1st SGMtclR - - 10 -
53rd SGTR 22 15 43 38
5th GTA 3563 1505 808 (32) 642 (30)


Unit Losses of tanks and SP guns Operable on 13:00 July 13
T-34 T-70 Mk IV (SP guns) Total AFVs*
Burnt Damaged Total Burnt Damaged Total Burnt Damaged Total Burnt Damaged Total %
18th TC 18 25 43 8 16 24 9 8 17 35 49 84 56 33
110th TBde 4 4 8 1 2 3 - - - 5 6 11 26 -
170th TBde 5 14 19 2 8 10 - - - 7 22 29 74 -
181st TBde 9 7 16 5 6 11 - - - 14 13 27 61 -
32nd MRBde - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
36th SGBHTR - - - - - - 9 8 17 9 8 17 89 -
29th TC*1 73 36 109 30 14 44 - - - 103 50 153 77 51
25th TBde 13 18 31 10 14 24 - - - 23 32*7 55 80 11
31st TBde*2 24 - 24 20 - 20 - - - 44 - 44 66 28
32nd TBde*3 36 18 54 - - - - - - 36 18 54 86 12
53rd MRBde - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1446th SPGR

Burnt: 3 SU-76 + 8 SU-122;

Damaged - 8 SP guns

    (17) (11) (6) (17) 95 (1)
2nd TC 11 7 18 - 4 4 - - - 11 11 22 50 44
26th TBde No data - - - 50 7
99th TBde - 7 7 - 1 1 - - - - 8 8 42 11
169th TBde 11 - 11 - 3 3 - - - 11 3 14 78 11
58th MRBde - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
15th SGBHTR Didn't take part in fights that day - - - - ?
2nd GTC 20 20 40 9 5 14 - - - 29 25 54 39 80
4th GTBde 8 10 18 - 4 4 - - - 8 14 22 47 20
25th GTBde 16 4 20 9 - 9 - - - 25 4 29 62 14
26th GTBde - - - - 2 2 - - - - 2 2 4 44
4th GMRBde - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
47th GBHTR Didn't take part in fights that day - - - - 2
5th GMC*4 14 4 4 - - - - - - 5 10 15 - 158
10th GMBde Didn't take part in fights that day - - - - 44
11th GMBde
(54th GTR)*6
No detailed data for that day - - - 5 6 11 - 35
12th GMBde (55th GTR) - 4 4 - - - - - - - 4 4 11 ?
24th GTBde Didn't take part in fights that day. On 18:00 had 51 tanks operable - - - - 51
1447th SPGR Had no losses that day - - - - ?
1st SGMtclR Didn't take part in fights that day. In the morning had 8 tanks - - - - 8
53rd SGTR 8 1 9 3 - 3 - - - 11 1 12 32 25
5th GTA 130 93 223 50 39 89 9(14) 8(5) 17(17) 194 146 340(17)*8 53 399?

Rem. AMVAS: I didn't verify figures, as figures on the upper level could not be sum of those on lower levels

* - the number of SP guns is given in "()" brackets (AMVAS)


*1 - The 1446th SPGR reported only about the number of KIA.

*2 - On 24:00 July 12 the 31st TBde had 3 tanks operable. Command had no information about other tanks by that time.

*3 - No information about burnt tanks of this brigade. the number 36 was taken based on overall losses of the corps.

*4 - On 18:00

*5 - In original reports mentioned only killed and wounded.

*6 - The tank regiment of the 11th MBde lost (on 10:00 July 13) lost 11 vehicles. Division Burnt/damaged for this brigade is conventional

*7 - Including 7 T-34 + 4 T-70 which had different breakages on battelfield

*8 - The number of operable tanks available on 13:00 July 13 on the corps level can differ from those resulting figures for brigades' level because some tanks were repared at night.


GBHTR - Guards Breakthrough Heavy Tank Regiment (Rem. AMVAS: in BSSA book the word "breakthrough" is omitted)

GMC - Guards Mechanised Corps

GMBde - Guards Mechanised Brigade

GMRBde - Guards Motorised Rifle Brigade

GTA - Guards Tank Army

GTC - Guards Tank Corps

GTR - Guards Tank Regiment

KIA - Killed in Action

MIA - Missed in Action

MRBde - Motorised Rifle Brigade

SGBHTR - Separate Guards Breakthrough Heavy Tank Regiment (Rem. AMVAS: in BSSA book the word "breakthrough" is omitted)

SGMtclR - Separate Guards Motorcycle Regiment

SGTR - Separate Guards Tank Regiment

SPGR - Self-Propelled Gun Regiment

TBde - Tank Brigade

TC - Tank Corps


1.V.Zamulin, "Zasekrechennaya Kurskaya Bitva", Moscow, Yauza, Eksmo, 2007
