PR: Lock n Load Publishing Takes One Off, Puts One On
Henry, VA, August 23, 2007 – Lock ‘n Load Publishing, the sole publisher of Lock ‘n Load board games, announced today that it has taken World at War off P500, and placed Paul Rohrbaugh’s No Middle Ground on P500.
Paul Rohrbaugh’s clever operational design, simulating the 1973 War of Atonement, is now available for P500 preorder. Titled No Middle Ground, the game uses battalions and brigades to recreate the Syrian assault on the Golan Heights, the Israeli counterattack into Syria, and the battle of Chinese Farm.
World at War: Eisenbach Gap, the first in a series of games depicting platoon-level battles in the Third World War, is off P500 and at the printers. We expect to start shipping in early October. More information is available at