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Posted on Jan 30, 2006 in Front Page Features, Stuff We Like

Militaria ’06

By A J Summersgill and Roach

The Stoneleigh show has been held for many years at the same venue and always attracts large crowds of enthusiasts. At this year’s show, cunningly entitled Militaria ‘06, the consensus of opinion was that it was busier than ever, with the ever-expanding age-group of younger enthusiasts serving to add to their older counterparts, not supplanting or replacing them.

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Has anyone seen where I left my hat?



Numbers-wise, the militaria hobby definitely seems to be growing from strength to strength, and certainly lends itself to an exciting mix of young and old, with experts (many self-proclaimed naturally!) in every field ready to give an opinion and/or advice.

With over 300 various stalls listed at Militaria ‘06, the dealers were certainly out in force as usual, selling pretty much everything and anything with a military theme: from cap badges and MREs (who eats that stuff for goodness sake!) to .50cal machine guns, jeep hoods and a new transmission box for a Hellcat – it was all there.

And if it wasn’t, there was probably someone who knew where you could get it.

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These superbly detailed model soldiers were just some of the
miniatures on display

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And as for these, radio controlled, built of metal, correctly proportioned
and weighted, these are the ultimate model tanks

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