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Posted on Sep 14, 2010 in War College

MAP OF THE MONTH – Ancient Greece: A World in Evolution

By Armchair General

Animated map of Ancient Greece courtesy of The Map as History.

Armchair General has partnered with The Map as History, a company that produces outstanding animated maps with accompanying narration. Each month, a link to one of their animated maps will be featured on the ACG site.

This month’s map explores the evolution of Ancient Greece, from early settlement through the growth of its colonies and trading posts throughout the Mediterranean, the conquests of Alexander the Great and, eventually, Greece’s absorption into the Roman Empire.


Click on the map above to view animation.

To learn more about Ancient Greece, click on the titles of online articles below.

King Leonidas and the Spartans, the story of the men of the 300.

Battle of Marathon: Greeks versus the Persians

Weaponry: Greek Phalanx



1 Comment

  1. This didn’t help me it wan’t what I was looking for