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Posted on Jun 10, 2006 in Armchair Reading

Information on “Pappy Gunn” from Nathaniel Gunn

By Nathaniel Gunn


I ran across your website on the search engine for Pappy Gunn yesterday and was amazed and pleased with all the wonderful comments about my father, Pappy Gunn. Especially, the number of favorable comments of my book about him called of course, "Pappy Gunn."  Your website is a treasure trove and certainly enjoyed reading it.

For anyone having trouble finding the book,  here is the correct website:.….

There may be some more interesting news very shorty about a movie !

Regards, Nathaniel Gunn

1 Comment

  1. I wonder if you are Mr. Nat Gunn I met sometime in 1994-1995 in Jakarta, Indonesia. If yes I would like to let you know that I have been searching
    for your whereabouts these years as you had inspired me a lot about life. I keep your novel books since last time we met and you gave me every books
    you had. I hope I could make a contact with you.

    All the best, Nat.

    +62 815 1470 2974