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Posted on Jul 20, 2005 in Front Page Features, Stuff We Like

HMS Warrior 1860

Armchair General

Thumb_HMS_Warrior_02.07.05_67.JPG Thumb_HMS_Warrior_02.07.05_62.JPG

Weapons are stored on every deck, and not in one central location. All over the ship, racks of rifles and pistols can be found, some are even mounted on overhead beams.

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Visitors will also find swords ready for use around HMS Warrior.


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This rifle rack is typical of those found throughout Warrior. The second picture here shows the main stove for cooking the daily meals.

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Here’s a typical example of how a crewman would sleep, in a hammock slung between guns and over one of the tables. The second picture shows a table laid out for a meal. 18 men to a table.

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