Great Civil War General Dies at Shiloh
Throughout both days Guest Speakers will appear in various places on the Village Streets. On-going Scenarios in and around the town include: Duels, Mail Call, Pay Call, Village Folk Dramas and more. There will be a Traveling Civil War Museum, and Civil War Displays.
Sunday, August 15th. Reenactor Breakfast is from 9-10 with Camps opening to the public and the Officers Call at Meeting House both at 10 am. Church Service on the Johnston House Museum lawn is 11 am. Medical Demonstrations at 12 and at 12:30 a child presenter speaks on a "Child’s View of the Civil War". General Nelson speaks at 1 pm, and the review of troops is at 1:45. 2 pm is the Battle through the village’s flagstone streets on to Federal Hill.
Guests at this year’s event include: General Robert E. Lee, General Albert Sidney Johnston, President and Mrs. Jefferson Davis, President Abraham Lincoln, General William Nelson, and others. President Abraham Lincoln speaks in front of the Harriet Beecher Stowe Slavery to Freedom Museum. Sutlers tents will be set up with a variety of items for sale. Many of the village’s permanent shops carry a large selection of Civil War swords, knives, bullets, soldiers, and many other items as well as a good selection of books on the Civil War. Raffles for a 44 Caliber Navy Colt Pistol, an Albert Sidney Johnston Civil War Throw, a framed Civil War Picture, and Civil War Soldiers, with drawing to be held Sunday, August 15th at 4:00 pm. Prizes may be picked up at the 1790 Log Visitor’s Center in Washington (606)-759-7411. You need not be present to win.
{default}This event is hosted by the Second Regiment Kentucky Infantry C.S.A. and sponsored by Old Washington, Inc. with the support of Maysville Tourism and the City of Maysville.
Please stop by the Log Visitor’s Center where costumed guides conduct tours through the museums and throughout the village, view the video and select from the items for sale. Shop in the numerous antique, craft and specialty shops on Old Main Street. Marshall Keys Tavern is open from 11 am until 7 pm. The 1790 Row Basketworks also has an Ice Cream Shoppe and Snack Bar.
Besides its other tours inside the village, Washington is on the "Covered Bridge Tour" and the "Underground Railroad Tour". Washington gives pleasures to both adults and children, with over 1,000 school children taking advantage of the "Log Cabin Learning" field trip in May alone. Call the Log Visitor’s Center 606-759-7411 to schedule tours. The Marshall Key house, ca 1807, was where Harriet Beecher Stowe visited in 1833, and witnessed a slave auction that inspired her to write Uncle Tom’s Cabin. This house is now the HARRIET BEECHER STOWE SLAVERY TO FREEDOM MUSEUM. Washington’s newest museum is the THE CARRIAGE MUSEUM, with high quality, hand crafted horse drawn carriages, buggies and other vehicles, has just been awarded the title and a framed award certificate as one of the best museums for 2004! Some of these carriages include: Spindle-Back, Side Spring, 2-Seater and other Runabouts, Racers, Mail Wagon, ad Doctors Buggy, a Drop Front Phaeton, a Governess Cart, a 4-Passenger open top carriage, Farm wagon, Sleighs, a Breaking Cart, a 4-Passenger open top wagon, and a Surry with fringe-on-the-top. This is a must see for young and old alike. Admission to the Carriage Museum is only $1.00 and one hundred percent of that goes to the Alzheimer’s Foundation. For information call 606-759-7305.
Washington is nestled 4 miles south of the banks of the Ohio River, and Maysville is just 1 mile south of the AA (#9) Highway on US 68, 50 miles northeast of Lexington, KY, 50 miles west of Portsmouth, Ohio, and 51 miles east of Cincinnati, Oh. (Take the Wilder Exit #77 off I-275 onto Route #9 – also known as the AA Highway, then turn right at the light by Wendy’s onto US 68, turn left at second light up into Old Washington). Plan a fun family weekend; Washington, (now part of Maysville), is waiting to welcome you. The next event is the Simon Kenton Festival September 18-19. For more information on the Civil War Living History Weekend: E-mail: or Phone: 606-759-7669 after 7 pm.
Visit Washington’s web sites: and
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