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Your latest issue featuring “Hitler’s Best General” is outstanding!! Very outstanding!
Very pleased with all the articles and content.
Particularily pleased to see General Raus covered. I had recently read The Eastern Front Memoir of General Raus, 1941-1945.
This most unusual General did well in both attack and defense.
Incidently, isn’t it odd that no Naval officer, certainly not at Pearl Harbor, seems to have read “The McCully Report” on the Russo-Japanese War about the surprise naval attack, the blockade and siege of Port Arthur.
Someone asked a question asking for information on Greys Scouts. I would like to reply if I could get into your site which so far has proved difficult. My name is Captain R Elderkin former Riding Master Chief Instructor of the Rhodesian/Zimbabwe mounted Infantry (Greys Scouts. I can be contacted on email
Eric Weider’s comments in the article “The Enemy Within” that we threaten the very existence of our country from within is a great statement that everyone in this country needs to read and reflect on. We are our oun worse enemy when it comes to greed and fraud. The way we selfishly seek personal gain without regard for the possible consequences and the harm it can do others and our country has gotten us in this current economic, political, and social crisis’s. The statement Mr. Weider made is bold and comprehensive. His reference to Lincoln’s written warning about all of us being the author of our own distruction resounds through the ages. Mr. Weider is a true American with values and morals that made this nation great and ones we as Americans all need to be reminded of and put back into practice.