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Posted on Oct 2, 2008 in Stuff We Like

Forum Highlights – Hot from the Armchair General Frontlines

By Jason St. Just

The ACG Modeling forum can already celebrate its 4th birthday, having grown immensely since its birth in 2004. Surprisingly for some, it has a wide range of topics to offer, from discussing techniques and ideas, to sharing places where the best shops are to be found on the net. All this is topped off by thousands of pictures where members proudly show off their accomplished pieces, next to a bottle of scotch to show scale – at least that’s what they claim…

When I asked the moderator of the forum – Duncan – why so many people are attracted to model building I received the following answer which nicely sums it up:  

“People like to build things that they would not have a chance to see or experience first hand. I’ll never drive a Panther tank. But I have one in 1/72 scale on my shelf…”


The yearly highlights on the forum are the “Group Builds”. Here, members build miniatures according to a specific topic or one of their choice and get a deadline before which they must finish the project. When finished, pictures are taken of their art pieces and subsequently posted on the forum where fellow members can vote on the model they like the most. After an inspection by three judges, the winner is finally proclaimed, receiving a little prize as reward.

The key to the growth of the Modeling forum however, is the fact that it lets model builders come into contact with other builders: amateurs and experts alike. This is the oxygen of the modeling forum and keeps it very alive.

To contribute your thoughts on the forums, you will need to register (no charge and we don’t spam our members; signup is required to allow us to monitor and maintain proper content). To register, go to and the instructions will walk you through. It’s a pretty simple process.

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1 Comment

  1. Nicely balanced maiden blog Jason. Kudos and keep up the good work. /CS