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Posted on Jan 21, 2014 in War College

FLASHPOINTS – Egypt’s Constitution; Libya’s Chaos; South Sudan’s Struggle

FLASHPOINTS – Egypt’s Constitution; Libya’s Chaos; South Sudan’s Struggle

By Armchair General

Colonel (Ret) John Antal’s mid-January FLASHPOINTS report identifies as the current top three challenges to the US: Egyptians’ vote for stability over democracy in their recent constitutional referendum; Libya descending into chaos; the problems in South Sudan, which he addresses as part of a larger US retreat from involvement in Africa.

End paragraph for each FLASHPOINTS update in War College

Click here to download the pdf from Armchair General‘s FLASHPOINTS page.

John Antal has frequently authored articles for Armchair General, including “Wars Without End: the Challenge of ‘Arab Spring'” and “Flashpoint Gaza Analysis.” He has authored or co-authored numerous books. His latest is 7 Leadership Lessons of the American Revolution: The Founding Fathers, Liberty, and the Struggle for Independence. Read Armchair General‘s exclusive interview, “7 Questions for John Antal on ‘7 Leadership Lessons of the American Revolution.’


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