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Posted on Mar 22, 2010 in Books and Movies

Dr. Mark Moyar Interview – Triumph Forsaken: The Vietnam War, 1954 – 1965

By stephane moutin-luyat

My interest in the Vietnam War began at my high school in Ohio, where I had a great English teacher who was a Vietnam veteran. He was a terrific person, very different from the stereotypical Vietnam veterans that I saw on TV or in books. As an undergraduate at Harvard, I took a course on the Vietnam War in which the faculty and most of the teaching assistants and students were highly critical of US involvement in Vietnam and unappreciative of the sacrifices of Americans and South Vietnamese who served there. I did my course research paper on the Phoenix program and began to see a sharp divergence between the facts on the one hand and the opinions of the American antiwar elite on the other …

Professor, historian and counterinsurgency expert Dr. Mark Moyar talks to Armchair General and the ACG community about his book Triumph Forsaken: The Vietnam War, 1954-1965, one of the most important books on this conflict written in the past ten years.

Click here to read this exclusive interview with Dr. Mark Moyar.



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