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Posted on Nov 18, 2005 in Front Page Features, Stuff We Like

Battlefield Tour – Hastings

Armchair General



The first part of the main Abbey one encounters is this, the Terrace. The building here contains several vaulted chambers, likely to have been used as storerooms.

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The majority of this structure dates from the 13th century, although there are clear additions and alterations.


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The staircase here, for example, dates from the 19th century, and evidence of a fireplace inside this room here indicates that this place was once used for habitation or as some kind of working room.

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The Terrace overlooks the battlefield itself, with some magnificent views over the fields and trees beyond. The picture on the left appears to lead to some kind of drainage ditch.

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Here’s the base of an octagonal tower attache to the Terace, much like the ones on the Gatehouse building. The next building along is the Dormitory Range, by far the largest of the remaining ruins, towering over the entire site and visible from some distance.

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Here are two shots of the magnificent end of the Dormitory Range. The tall bloke in the right hand picture is yours-truly with his ACG.

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To the right of the Dormitory block are the latrines, known as the "Reredorter". This portion of the structure used to be at the same height as the main Dormitory block, but it has long since collapsed.

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1 Comment

  1. Nice work, Andrew. I appreciate the photos of the battlefield. I am a public historian (M.A. plus public history training and work experience) and I would give anything to come over give tours of that special place. Thank you for the photo tour. I enjoyed it. Best, Jim