Issues resolved
Dear Editor: I am sending this email to express my appreciation for the response to my inquiry concerning the 2007 missing issues of Armchair General. On February 24 I sent an email to you detailing the missing issues. On February 25 you sent an email to JoHanna Koeppe asking that she try to replace those issues. On February 28 I received, by priority mail, the three issues that I had missed. I was not only shocked, I was surprised and taken aback by the response and the speed of your reaction. I did not really expect to get the issues but I was just mad enough to want to write and let the folks involved with the magazine know that I was upset with them. You and the people that work at the magazine not only met my expectations, but all of you exceeded them. I have enjoyed the Armchair General publication since a friend showed me a copy in late 2004. Even before I finished reading that issue I had called in and ordered my first year subscription. The magazine...
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