The War Against the Nazi U-boats 1942-1944: The Anti-Submarine Command. L. Douglas Keeney, ed. Premiere, 2012. Paperback. 181 pages. $14.95 During the opening years of World War II, the Nazi military employed one of the deadliest nautical weapons, the submarine, to great effect against Allied shipping. German U-boats scoured the waters of the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and the Caribbean in an effort to disrupt shipments of American goods to Great Britain, hoping to do by sea what they could not do by land or air: choke the life out of the British Isles. Within a few months of American involvement in the war, however, the two Allied nations began making a concerted effort to eliminate the U-boat as a threat. Cooperation between the two nations and improvements in tactics employed against the U-boats suffered in early 1942, but by 1944, the Allies had won the Battle of the Atlantic and elsewhere. The U-boat would play a greatly reduced role for the remainder of the war, mostly maintaining a defensive...
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